luni, 6 februarie 2012

Guan Yin cu o mie de miini.. Thousand - Hand Guan Yin

In China exista un dans extraordinar care se numeste "Guan Yin cu o mie de miini".
Datorita gradului de coordonare cerut, executia perfecta ar fi fost extraordinara, chiar daca aceste dansatoare nu ar fi fost surde..
Da, este adevarat, cele 21 de dansatoare sunt complet surde si mute. Ele urmaresc semnele antrenorilor situati in cele patru colturi ale scenei, realizind un spectacol remarcabil.
Debutul international a avut loc la Athena cu ocazi spectacolului de inchidere a Jocurilor Olimpice 2004.Dar acest dans face parte din repertoriul Trupei de artisti chinezi cu handicap de de mult timp.
Prima dansatoare are 29 de ani si este diplomata a Institutului de arta din Hubei. Videoul a fost inregistrat la Bei jing (Pékin) cu ocazia celebrarii festivalului de primavara.

Acum priveste...

There is an awesome dance, called the Thousand-Hand Guanyin. Considering the tight coordination required, their accomplishment is nothing short of amazing, even if they were not all DEAF. 
Yes, all 21 of the dancers are complete deaf-mutes. Relying only on signals from trainers at the four corners of the stage, these Extraordinary dancers deliver a visual spectacle that is at once Intricate and stirring. Its first major international debut was in Athens at the closing ceremonies for the 2004 Paralympics. 
But it had long been in the repertoire of the China Disabled People's Performing Art Troupe and had traveled to more than 40 countries. 
Its lead dancer is 29-year-old Tai Lihua, who has a BA from The Hubei Fine Art s Institute. The video was recorded in Beijing during the Spring Festival celebrations this year. Enjoy!
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RO: Motto:
Atata timp cat este bunatate si dragoste in inima ta O mie de maini vor veni in mod natural in ajutorul tau Atata timp cat este bunatate si dragoste in inima ta Te vei intinde cu o mie de maini sa ii ajuti pe ceilalti
Guan Yin este zeita milei si a compasiunii la budisti. Numele ei este prescurtat de la Guan Shi Yin. Guan inseamna a observa, a privi sau a monitoriza; Shi inseamna lumea; Yin inseamna sunete, mai ales sunetele celor ce sufera.Astfel, Guan Yin este fiinta plina de compasiune care vegheaza asupra si le raspunde acelor persoane din lume care cer ajutorul.
EN: Motto:
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others
Guan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion, revered by Buddhists as the Goddess of Mercy. Her name is short for Guan Shi Yin. Guan means to observe, watch, or monitor; Shi means the world; Yin means sounds, specifically sounds of those who suffer. Thus, Guan Yin is a compassionate being who watches for, and responds to, the people in the world who cry out for help.

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