miercuri, 26 decembrie 2012

Recipe for a Good Year.. Reteta pentru un an bun.. Ricetta per un buon anno nuovo

EN: Recipe for a Good Year

Take twelve fine, full-grown months: See that these are thoroughly free from all old memories of bitterness, anger, hate, and jealously. Cleanse them completely from every form of spite: Pick off all specks of pettiness and littleness: In short, see that these first few months are freed from all the past- have them as fresh and clean as when they first came from the great storehouse of time.
Then, cut these next 12 months into thirty or thirty-one equal parts. Don’t attempt to make up the whole batch at one time.  Prepare one day at a time as follows: Into each day but equal parts of faith, patience, courage, work, hope, fidelity, generosity, kindness, rest, prayer, meditation, and one well-selected resolution.
Put in a spoonful of good spirit, a dash of fun, a sprinkling of play, and a heaping cupful of good humour. Pour love into the whole and mix vigorously.
Cook thoroughly with a few smiles and a sprig of joy: Serve with quietness, unselfishness, and cheerfulness. Then, enjoy each day of the New Year.
You don't have to pay this recipe, it is free and you can freely share it along with the "Happy New Year" wish.

RO: Reteta pentru un an bun

Se iau 12 luni si se curata foarte bine de amaraciune, mandrie, ura, invidie, frica, irascibilitate si stres. 

duminică, 23 decembrie 2012

Ice sculptures.. Sculpturi in gheata

Ice sculptures - what's your favorite?
Sculpturi in gheata - care este preferata ta?

Sleeping positions - cats stile.. Pozitii de dormit - stilurile pisicilor

Sleeping positions - cats stile.. 
Pozitii de dormit - stilurile pisicilor

The Half Sit-up 
To achieve the half sit-up, you must begin with the intention of exercising your abs and promptly fall asleep midway through the task. 
This position is extremely advanced and not recommended for amateur sleepers. 

Stand ridicat pe jumatate
Pentru a reusi aceasta pozitie de dormit, trebuie sa incepi cu intentia de a face exercitiu si imediat sa adormi la jumatatea exercitiului.
Aceasta pozitie este extrem de avansata si nu este recomandata pentru toti amatorii carora le place somnul.

miercuri, 19 decembrie 2012

Clean your kidneys in with Parsley.. Patrunjelul este foarte bun pentru curatat rinichii

EN: Clean your kidneys in with Parsley

Years pass by and our kidneys are filtering the blood by removing salt, poison and any unwanted entering our body. with time, the salt accumulates and this needs to undergo
cleaning treatments and how are we going to overcome this?
It is very easy, first take a bunch of parsley or cilantro ( coriander leaves ) and wash it
clean. then cut it in small pieces and put it in a pot and pour clean water and boil it for ten
minutes and let it cool down and then filter it and pour in a clean bottle and keep it  inside refrigerator to cool.
Drink one glass daily and you will notice all salt and other accumulated poison coming out of your kidney by urination also you will be able to notice the difference which you never felt before.
Parsley (cilantro) is known as best cleaning treatment for kidneys and it is natural!

RO: Patrunjelul este foarte bun pentru curatat rinichii

Anii trec si rinichii nostri filtreaza sangele inlaturand sarea, otravurile si alte lucruri nedorite care intra in corpul nostru. Cu timpul sarurile se acumuleaza si e nevoie sa-i curatam.
Cum se face asta? Este foarte simplu.
Luati un manunchi de patrunjel si spalati-l bine.
Apoi taiati in bucati mici, puneti-l intr-un vas, turnati apa curata peste el si fierbeti timp de 10 minute.
Lasati sa se raceasca, strecurati si puneti intr-o sticla curata pe care o veti pastra in frigider .
Beti un pahar pe zi si veti observa ca toata sarea si otrava acumulata in rinichi se elimina prin urina.
De asemenea veti observa diferenta pe care nu ati mai simtit-o pana acum.
Patrunjelul este cunoscut ca cel mai bun tratament pentru rinichi si este natural!

duminică, 16 decembrie 2012

Not good.. Nu-i de bine..

Not good.. 
Nu-i de bine..

The Japanese winter dreamland - the Sapporo Snow Festival.. Taramul invernal de basm din Japonia - Festivalul zapezii din Sapporo

The Japanese winter dreamland - the Sapporo Snow Festival 
Taramul invernal de basm din Japonia - Festivalul zapezii din Sapporo

EN: The Sapporo Snow Festival (Sapporo Yuki-matsuri) is a festival held annually in Sapporo, Japan over seven days in February. Currently, Odori Park, Susukino, and Tsudome are the main sites of the festival. The 2013 Yuki-matsuri dates are February 5 to 11(you can see the 2013's festival poster bellow).
The Sapporo Snow Festival, one of Japan's largest winter events, attracts a growing number of visitors from Japan and abroad every year.
Every winter, about two million people come to Sapporo to see the hundreds of beautiful snow statues and ice sculptures which line Odori Park, the grounds at Community Dome Tsudome, and the main street in Susukino.
For seven days in February, these statues and sculptures(both large and small) turn Sapporo into a winter dreamland of crystal-like ice and white snow.

RO: Festivalul zapezii din Sapporo (Sapporo Yuki-matsuri) este un festival care are loc anual timp de sapte zile din februarie, in localitatea Sapporo, Japonia. In acest anotimp principalele locatii ale festivalului vor fi: Odori Park, Susukino si Tsudome. Zilele de festival din 2013 vor fi 5-11 februarie (puteti vedea mai jos afisul festivalului din 2013).
Festivalul zapezii din Sapporo, unul din cele mai mari evenimente invernale, atrage anual un numar din ce in ce mai mare de vizitatori din Japonia si din strainatate.
In fiecare iarna, aproximativ 2 milioane de oameni vin la Sapporo pentru a vedea sutele de statuete din zapada si sculpturi de gheata, care mai decare mai frumoase, care sunt inlantuite in parcul Odori, in apropierea Domului Tsudome, si principala strada din Susukino.
Pentru sapte zile in februarie, aceste statuete si sculpturi(atat mari cat si mici) transforma Sapporo intr-un taram de iarna de basm format din gheata precum cristalul si omat alb.

miercuri, 12 decembrie 2012

Li Zongwen, a dog's best friend.. Li Zongwen este cel mai bun prieten al cainelui

Li Zongwen, a dog's best friend 
Li Zongwen este cel mai bun prieten al cainelui

EN: The man with over 140 dogs

Li Zongwen makes food for the stray dogs at his house.
Mr Li, 59, has become a dog's best friend after adopting a number of stray and abandoned pooches.

Walkies must be a nightmare and dealing with the poop almost unimaginable because Li takes care of over 140 of the animals in his home in China.
Rescued from the streets on the outskirts of the city of Wuhan, they are given a roof over their heads and a meal to eat.

Sand Art (4) - Animals.. Arta in nisip (4) - Animale

Sand Art (4) - Animals
Arta in nisip (4) - Animale  

<<< See also Sand Art (3) - Movies and cartoons
<<< Vezi si Arta in nisip (3) - 
Filme si desene

Uncommon and creative Christmas trees.. Brazi de Craciun neobisnuiti si originali

Uncommon and creative Christmas trees
Brazi de Craciun neobisnuiti si originali

EN: This year you want something new for Christmas decorations? Check out some interesting Christmas trees ideas :D 

RO: Acest an doresti ceva nou printre decoratiunile de Craciun? Mai jos poti gasi cateva idei traznite de brazi de Craciun :D

marți, 11 decembrie 2012

Funny food carvings - fruits and vegetables.. Sculpturi culinare amuzante - fructe si legume

Funny food carvings - fruits and vegetables 
Sculpturi culinare amuzante - fructe si legume

EN: Do you want some food decorations ideas for the holidays? Below you can find some, all you need are plenty of fruits and vegetables, time and patience :) Enjoy!

RO: Doriti cateva idei de decoratiuni culinare pentru sarbatori? Puteti gasi un pic mai jos, aveti nevoie doar de suficiente fructe si legume, timp si rabdare :) Sper sa va placa!

luni, 10 decembrie 2012

Fruits And Vegetables Art By Carl Kleiner.. Arta din fructe si legume de Carl Kleiner

Fruits And Vegetables Art By Carl Kleiner
Arta din fructe si legume de Carl Kleiner

EN: Carl Kleiner takes your everyday produce and transforms them into cool animal sculptures. By carving different fruits and vegetables, Carl's able to create fascinating and delicious looking art.

RO: Carl Kleiner foloseste fructele si legumele si le transforma in animale sculptate deosebite. Prin sculptarea diferitelor fructe si legume, Carl este capabil sa realizeze o arta fascinanta si totodata delicioasa.

Balancing Tiverton Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia.. Piatra Tiverton din Digby, Nova Scotia - piatra in echilibru

Balancing Tiverton Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia
Piatra Tiverton din Digby, Nova Scotia - piatra in echilibrul

EN: It is a 30-odd foot high spire of columnar basalt that has gradually eroded out from the cliff face over countless years.The balancing rock is pretty amazing. A tall column of basalt seems to balance almost on tiptoes on a ledge of more rock. The town of Digby has lately built an infrastructure of railings and walkways so that access to this striking phenomenon of nature is now much safer – both for tourists and for the rock itself.

RO: Exista un turn de bazalt in forma de coloana de 30 de picioare (aproximativ 9 metri) care s-a erodat de-a lungul anilor si s-a desprins din stanca originara. Piatra in echilibru este uimitoare. O coloana inalta de bazalt se pare ca isi mentine echilibrul, parca stand in varful picioarelor, pe marginea altor pietre. Oraselul Digby a construit recent o structura de balustrade si pasarele astfel incat accesul la acest fenoment al naturii frapant este mult mai sigur - atat pentru turisti cat si pentru piatra.

duminică, 9 decembrie 2012

Sand Art (3) - Movies and cartoons.. Arta in nisip (3) - Filme si desene

Sand Art (3) - Movies and cartoons
Arta in nisip (3) - Filme si desene

<<< See also Sand Art (2) - Characters                                                         See also Sand Art (4) - Animals >>>
<<< Vezi si Arta in nisip (2) - Personaje                                                         Vesi si Arta in nisip (4) - Animale >>>

The man allergic to Wi Fi.. Omul alergic la Wi-fi

The man allergic to Wi Fi 
Om alergic la Wi-fi

EN: For Steve Miller a trip to his local High Street is a living hell that makes him sick, dizzy and confused. When he’s around a wi-fi signal, it makes him feel “dizzy, sick and confused.” It’s a condition called “Electromagnetic Sensitivity”. With the increase in the availability of public wi-fi, this guy has had to drastically go out of his way to avoid the signals. “I feel like an exile on my own planet. It’s almost impossible to find somewhere without wi-fi nowadays.”.

RO: Pentru Steve Miller o iesire pana la localul lui preferat High Street este un adevarat cosmar care ii da stari accentuate de rau, ameteala si confuzie. Cand este in preajma unui semnal wi-fi, are senzatia de "ameteala, un rau general si confuzie". Aceasta stare este denumita "Sensibilitate Electromagnetica". Cum in ultimul timp a crescut numarul locatiilor publice in care se gaseste conectivitate wi-fi, acest barbat a trebuit sa isi gaseasca mereu alte locuri pentru a evita semnalele. "Ma simt ca si cum as fi in exil pe propria mea planeta. Este aproape imposibil ca in ziua de azi sa gasesc o locatie fara wi-fi.". 

joi, 6 decembrie 2012

Spre insula enigma - Ion Minulescu

Spre insula enigma 
Ion Minulescu

lui N.M.Condiescu

Un suierat prelung saluta ivirea zorilor...
In larg,
Un strop de purpura pateaza albastrul violet al marii,
Pe bric,
Lumina rosie se stinge in varful primului catarg,
Si-n locul ei, pe sfori, se-nalta pavilioanele...
E ziua!...

Si matelotii se desteapta pe bord,
Si ancorele grele
Apar cu ghearele-nclestate,
Ca niste fiare-nfometate...
Si bricul alb se misca-alene
Cu gratia uneoi sirene
Ce se rasfata-n plasa de inele
Si de bratari lichide,
Ce dispar
Pe poarta larg deschisa langa far!...

Adio, port...
Adio, cuib de veselie trecatoare.
Adio cabareturi...
Adio, dansatoare...
Adio, ciocnet de pahare...
Adio, tot ce-a fost...

Sand Art (1) - Sandy Fairy Tales.. Arta in nisip (1) - Basme din nisip

EN:  Sand Art (1) - Sandy Fairy Tales
RO:  Arta in nisip (1) - Basme din nisip

miercuri, 5 decembrie 2012

Miniatural artwork by Oona Patterson.. Creatiile artistice miniaturale ale Oonei Patterson

Miniatural artwork by Oona Patterson 
Creatiile artistice miniaturale ale Oonei Patterson

EN: Oona Patterson is an illustrator and sculptor strongly influenced by a range of European folklore and fairytales. Working mainly in paper she produces miniatures, books and photographs.. Bellow you can see some of her creations.

RO: Oona Patterson este ilustrator si sculptor, influenta puternic de o serie de basme populare europene. Lucreaza in principal cu hartie producand miniaturi, carti si fotografii.. Mai jos puteti gasi cateva din creatiile sale.

Fantasy land by Jeannette Woitzik.. Taramul de basm creat de Jeannette Woitzik

Fantasy land by Jeannette Woitzik
Taramul de basm creat de Jeannette Woitzik

EN: Amazing digital artworks by Jeannette Woitzik! Just like in fairy tale, her works are full of fantasy! 
RO: Creatii digitale extrarodinare realizate de Jeannette Woitzik! Exact ca intr-un basm, lucrarile sale sunt pline de fantezie!

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