miercuri, 29 februarie 2012

Strange Offices in the World.. Birouri bizare pe glob

Birouri bizare pe glob

RO: Biroul este locul unde ne petrecem aceasi perioada de timp ca atunci cand dormim. In consecinta nu este surprinzator ca multi angajatori se straduie sa faca birourile cat mai confortabile. In definitiv, de asta depinde productivitatea angajatilor. Sunt firme care incearca sa faca birouri in natura si altele care incearca sa recreeze natura in "jungla urbana". In continuare puteti vedea unele din cele mai interesante birouri de pe glob.. nu se stie, poate veti vrea sa va angajati la acele firme sau poate nu.. aruncati o privire.. 

Strange Offices in the World You Will Not Believe..

Office is the place, where we spend the same amount of time as in bed. Therefore, it is not surprising that many employers are struggling to make their office comfortable. After all, this depends critically on the productivity of employees. Someone is trying to make offices of nature, and someone is trying to recreate nature in the “urban jungle”. Here are some of the most interesting offices in the world…may be you want join them or may be not..have a look...

Birou in forma de pista de curse auto de jucarie..
Office in the toy Auto tracking.

Compania Invention Land probabil cred ca angajatii lor trebuie sa munceasca repede si intens. Cum asa? Pentru ca pare ca au angajat soferi de masini de curse avand in vedere ca unul din birourile firmei este in mijlocul unei enorme piste de curse auto de jucarie.. 
Company Invention Land, apparently believes that its employees must work quickly and intently. How? They employed drivers of racing cars. Because one of its offices located in the middle of a huge toy of auto racing.

Biroul de Papetarie..
Stationery Office.

Designul inovativ a facut din studio-ul Radford Wallis unul din cele mai mari birouri de papetarie din Londra..
The great design has made the studio Radford Wallis, a Giant Office of stationary Supplies in London.

 Casa de turta dulce..
Gingerbread house

Compania Invention Land incearca sa-si multumeasca toti angjatii. Pentru angajatii de sex masculin au creat biroul sub form de pista de curse auto si pentru angajate lucruri pentru fete.. 
The familiar Invention Land Company tried to please all of its employees. For male workers, they created the office in the form of auto racing, and for female employees, all the girly stuff.

Birouri cu spatiu personal..
Office with a personal space 

Biroul din Paris al firmei Pons si Huot. Fiecare angajat are spatiu personal ca o cupola. 
The Paris office of Pons and Huot, Every employee here has its own dome.

Corabia piratilor.. 
Pirate ship.

Firma Invention Land este una din cele mai creative companii din lume. Acest birou este al treilea din lista noastra de la aceasta firma. Acest birou este in forma unei corabii a piratilor care are la carma un amenintator capitan din plastic cu un singur ochi. Insa angajatii lucreaza pe puntea velierului.  
Invention Land the most creative company in the world. This is the third item in our list of the Strange Offices in the World. They made it in the form of a pirate ship with a menacing one-eyed captain of the plastic at the helm. But jobs for employees located on the deck of the brig. 

Biroul suedez ISP Bahnhof este localizat intr-un adapost in caz de bombardament din perioada Razboiului Rece. Design-ul acestui birou este realizat intr-un stil potrivit - este aranjat ca si cum ar fi un adapost subteran dupa o catastrofa globala care s-a intamplat la suprafata pamantului.  
Swedish ISP Bahnhof Office is located in a bomb shelter during the Cold War. The design of this office is made in an appropriate style – though there is recent underground shelter earthlings after a global catastrophe that occurred on the surface of the planet.
Biroul pestera.

Alt birou de la Invention Land. Acesta este facut in forma de pestera si pentru prumusetea locului au creat si o mica cascada.
Another office of Invention Land. This is made in the form of caves, for more beauty they have a small waterfall.

Biroul interactiv.
Interactive office.

Nu, biroul Institutului Goethe din Barcelona nu e localizat intr-un spatiu virtual. Doar receptia arata ca si cum ai fi in filmul “Tron” and “Tron 2: Legacy”. Chiar mai mult, datorita proiectoarelor uneori pare ca peretii se misca.  
No, the office of the Goethe Institute in Barcelona is not located in the virtual space. Just reception looks like you are in a grid of the movie “Tron” and “Tron 2: Legacy.” Moreover, due to the projectors sometimes it seems as if the walls are moving. 

Biroul Zhirafovy.
Zhirafovy office.

Proprietarii companiei TWIGA din Rusia au trait o perioada lunga in Tanzania. Cand s-au mutat in Moscova, iubind girafele (chiar numele "tviga" care este din limba Swahili inseamna "girafa"). In acelasi birou al companiei se gasesc 836 figurine si imagini ale acestui animal minunat.
The owners of Russian companies TWIGA who long time lived in Tanzania, then they moved to Moscow, they love giraffes (even the word “tviga” is from the Swahili language, it means “giraffe”). In the same office of the company you can found 836 figures and images of this wonderful animal.

Biroul dezbracat.
Naked office.

Aceasta este cea mai ciudata parte a acestei liste. Insa in aceasta companie, personalul a decis sa schimbe ceva, iar acest ceva nu e biroul! ci aspectul angajatilor. Conducatorii acestei companii britanice le-a oferit angajatilor ce lucreaza la birou o "Vinere goala", asta inseamnand ca in ultima zi de munca din una din saptamani ei vor veni la munca dezbracati complet. Motivul acestei decizii neobisnuite este lupta cu spiritul redus de munca, compania s-a infiintat in timpul Crisei Economice Mondiale. Personalul a sprijinit propunerea. Nu doar el! dupa cum puteti observa in fotografii.
Most strange part of this list. But in this company, staff decided to change something, not the office!!! but the appearance of staff. The leadership of this British company has offered its office workers a “Naked Friday”, that is the last working day of one of the weeks, they come to work absolutely naked. The reason for this unusual move was the struggle with low working spirit, this company established during the World Economic Crisis. Staff supported the proposal. Not only he!!! as you can see in the picture.

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