sâmbătă, 31 martie 2012

Amazing rice fields in Japan.. Campuri de orez extraordinare in Japonia

EN: Rice fields in Japonia. Amazing! 
Seems something common but if you look closer you will notice that the rice will start to grow

RO: Campuri de orez in Japonia. Extraordinar! 
Pare ceva obisnuit dar uita-te atent ce se intampla cand orezul incepe sa creasca!

Stunning crop art has sprung up across rice fields in Japan, but this is no alien creation. 
The designs have been cleverly PLANTED!
Farmers creating the huge displays use no ink or dye. Instead, different colour rice plants have been precisely and strategically arranged and grown in the  paddy fields. 
As summer progresses and the plants shoot up, the detailed artwork begins to emerge.

Campurile de orez in Japonia, dar aceasta nu este o creatie extraterestra. Desene sau modele au fost plantate ingenios.
Agricultorii creaza imagini imense fara sa utilizeze vopsea sau alte instrumente de colorat. In schimb diferite specii de orez de culoare, au fost precis plantate si aranjate strategic.

A Sengoku warrior on horseback has been created from hundreds of thousands of rice plants. 

The colours are created by using different varieties of rice plants, whose leaves grow in certain colours. This photo was taken in Inakadate, Japan.

Napoleon calare poate fi vazut din cer. Acesta a fost creat prin plantarea de precizie si de luni de planificare de sateni si agricultori situati in Inkadate, Japonia.

Napoleon on horseback can be seen from the skies. This was created by precision planting and months of planning by villagers and farmers located in Inkadate, Japan.

Napoleon calare poate fi vazut din cer. Acesta a fost creat prin plantarea de precizie si de luni de planificare de sateni si agricultori situati in Inkadate, Japonia.

From ground level, the designs are invisible, and viewers have to climb the mock castle tower of the village office to get a glimpse of the  work.

Mai aproape de imagine, plasarea atenta a mii de plante de orez nedecorticat in domeniile unde poate fi vazut.

Fictional warrior Naoe Kanetsugu and his wife, Osen, whose lives are featured on the television series 'Tenchijin' appear in fields in the town of Yonezawa in the Yamagata prefecture of Japan.

Eroi de legenda Naoe Kanetsugu si sotia sa, Osen, a caror viata este ilustrata in serialul televizat "Tenchijin", apar pe un camp plantat in orasul din Yonezawa in municipiul Yamagata din Japonia.

This year, various artwork has popped up in other rice-farming areas of Japan, including designs of deer dancers. Smaller works of 'crop-art' can be seen in other rice-farming areas of Japan such as this image of Doraemon and deer dancers.The farmers create the murals  by planting little purple and yellow-leafed Kodaimai rice along with their local green-leafed Tsugaru, a Roman variety, to create the coloured patterns in the time between planting and harvesting in September.
The murals in Inakadate cover 15,000 square meters of paddy fields.
Rice-paddy art was started there in 1993 as a local revitalization project, an idea that grew from meetings of the village committees. The different varieties of rice plants 
grow alongside each other to create the masterpieces.

In the first nine years, the village office workers and local farmers grew a simple design of Mount Iwaki every year.

But their ideas grew more complicated and attracted more attention. 

In 2005, agreements between landowners allowed the creation of enormous rice paddy art.

A year later, organizers used computers to precisely plot the planting of four differently colored rice varieties that bring the images to life!

In acest an, diverse lucrari de arta au aparut in plantatiile de orez din alte zone ale Japoniei, inclusiv desenele de dansatori si cerbi mai mici. Lucrari ale Lucrari ale culturilor de arta pot fi vazute si in alte zone din Japonia, cum ar fi aceasta imagine a Doraemon cerb. Picturi murale in Inakadate acopera 15.000 de domenii.

Arta orezului nedecorticat a început în 1993 ca un proiect de revitalizare locala, o idee care a crescut de la reuniunile comisiilor de sat. Soiuri diferite de plante orez cresc alaturi de celelalte pentru a crea adevarate capodopere. Initial s-au „desenat” doar imagini simple ale Muntelui Iwaki, dar in cativa ani ideile s-au schimbat, competitia intre sate a devenit acerba, iar „tablourile” au tot mai faimoase. In 2005, intelegerile semnate intre proprietarii de teren au permis crearea de desene din ce in ce mai mari.
Un an mai tarziu au inceput sa foloseasca computerele pentru precizie mai mare.

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