sâmbătă, 24 martie 2012

Vietnamese snake and scorpion rice wines.. Palinca de Vietnam

RO: Palinca de Vietnam

Ati incerca macar un pahar de vin dintr-o sticla in care se afla unii dintre cei mai veninosi serpi din lume? Probabil ca nu, mai ales ca expresiile reptilelor „imbuteliate” sunt de-a dreptul infricosatoare. Si cu toate acestea, in Vietnam sau China, acolo unde se produc bizarele bauturi alcoolice, localnicii par sa se dea in vant dupa asemenea retete care, zice-se, au proprietati medicale dintre cele mai eficiente. 

In Vietnam se produce un vin de orez cu serpi si scorpioni, care ar avea efecte afrodisiace. Inedita bautura traditionala este recunoscuta pentru beneficiile sale, de sute de ani, iar curiosii o pot comanda acum si pe Internet

"Un singur sat, unde exista productie de vin cu sarpe si scorpion inauntru, vinde in intreaga lume o bautura rara, disponibila si la comanda online, informeaza Daily Mail." 

In Vietnam se produce o licoare, care se spune ca ar avea efecte afrodisiace. Sticlele de vin contin serpi sau scorpioni, conservati. Otrava acestora a fost anihilata, in procesul de fabricare al vinului. In schimb, licoarea este considerata sanatoasa si este benefica sanatatii.

Vinurile cu sarpe si scorpion sunt cunoscute ca un medicament natural, utilizat pentru a trata diferite probleme de sanatate, cum ar fi reumatismul.

Aceste licori pe baza de orez sunt considerate si un puternic afrodisiac natural.

Vinul cu sarpe a fost considerat ca o cura eficace de-a lungul mileniilor, dar este cunoscut si pentru cresterea virilitatii masculine.

O sticla de vin cu sarpe sau scorpion costa 100 de dolari si poate fi comandata si pe Internet. 

EN:  Vietnamese snake and scorpion rice wine

A village in Vietnam there is producing snake and scorpion wine and shipping it worldwide, with the rare beverage available to order online.

The venomous cobra snake is used to make the snake wine but the poison is cancelled out by the alcoholic content of the drink, meaning you'll avoid a pounding hangover.

Bottles of snake and scorpion wine can now be ordered online as an unusual gift or even a health tonic.
Similarly, months of fermenting means the dead scorpion encased in the yellow bottles doesn't have the same sting in the tail as when it was alive.

These new pictures show how the cobras and black scorpions are preserved in the liquid to have their poison dissolve in the rice wine.

Because snake venoms are protein-based, they are inactivated by the denaturing effects of ethanol, and thus are no more dangerous.

Instead, the liquor is considered healthy and seemingly has many health benefits.

The cobra's potent poison is negated by the ethanol used in the rice wine

Snake and scorpion wines are also known as a natural medicine used to treat different health problems such as back pain, rheumatism, lumbago and other health conditions.

These rice-based liquors are also considered to be a strong natural aphrodisiac.

Snake wine has been considered an effective curative for thousands of years but is also widely thought to increase male virility.

There are thought to over 100 forms of 'Ruou thuoc' or 'medicine wine' available in Vietnam, many of which are infused with the remains of wildlife, with even endangered species included in the distilling process.

One bottle of snake and scorpio wine costs 100 dolars and can be ordered on internet.

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