luni, 30 aprilie 2012

3. Ingrid Bergman in Italy.. Ingrid Bergman in Italia

Ingrid Bergman in Italy.. 
Ingrid Bergman in Italia

Ingrid Bergman in Italy: Photo by Gordon Parks, 1949
In 1949, Ingrid Bergman, the luminous (and married) Swedish star of Casablanca and Notorious, traveled to Italy to work with a director she very much admired: Roberto Rossellini. During the production of their movie Stromboli, Bergman's admiration blossomed into love, and her affair with Rossellini led to a scandalous pregnancy. LIFE's Gordon Parks, a trusted friend of Bergman's, was on the Stromboli set during what must have been a fraught time for the actress, and he captured in his portraits the mystery and sadness that were central to the Bergman's onscreen appeal. In the most famous photo from the shoot, three local women stop to stare at the actress, their censorious air foreshadowing the extreme Stateside reaction to the affair. Parks' photo -- perfectly composed to highlight the old women in black against the young actress in white -- is infused not just with melancholy but defiance.

Ingrid Bergman in Italia: Fotografie realizata de Gordon Parks, 1949
In 1949, Ingrid Bergman, un star stralucitor (si casatorit) din Suedia, protagonista in "Casablanca si Notorious", a calatorit in Italia pentru a lucra cu un regizor pe care il admira in mod deosebit: Roberto Rossellini. In timpul filmarilor filmului "Stromboli", admiratia doamnei Bergam s-a transformat si a inflorit intr-o poveste de dragoste, iar in urma relatiei cu Rossellini a rezultat o sarcina care a iscat mare valva. Fotograful Gordon Parks care lucra la revista LIFE, un prieten de incredere al doamnei Bergman, a fost pe platourile de filmare in acea perioada, cel mai probabil, incarcata de evenimente pentru actrita si a capturat in fotografiile sale misterul si tristetea care erau centrale pentru farmecul doamnei Bergman pe ecran. In cea mai cunoscuta fotografie, trei localnice se opresc pentru a o atinti cu privirea pe actrita, cautatura lor fiind ca o prefigurare a reactiei celor din Statele Unite la relatia celor doi. Fotografia lui Parks - compusa perfect pentru a sublinia batranele in negru impotriva tinerei actrite in alb - inspira nu doar melancolie ci si sfidare.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

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