sâmbătă, 19 mai 2012

20. Jumping Royals.. Saltul membrilor casei regale

Jumping Royals
Saltul membrilor casei regale

20. Jumping Royals: Photo by Philippe Halsman, 1959 
Among the celebrities and notables that Philippe Halsman asked to jump for his famous photo series were the Duke and Duchess of Windsor -- that is, the former King of England and the controversial American for whom he gave up the throne. In theory, Halsman's photo was remarkable -- royals can be this playful? -- but in execution, it was even more so: Other than the position of their feet and the mildly surprised expression on the duke's face, the Windsors manage to maintain their cultivated bearing. Her hair and jewelry are static, his lapels crisp, their postures ramrod-straight -- as if they're out to meet the plebes on any other day.

Saltul membrilor casei regale: Fotografie realizata de Philippe Halsman, 1959
Printre celebritatile si persoanele notabile carora Philippe Halsman le-a cerut sa sara pentru faimoasa serie de fotografii, au fost ducele si ducesa de Windsor - acesta fiind fostul rege al Angliei si controversata americanca pentru care acesta a renuntat la tron. In teorie, fotografia lui Halsman a fost remarcabila - regalitatile pot fi asa jucause? - dar in practica a fost chiar mai mult de atat: Pe langa pozitia picioarelor si expresia usor surprinsa de pe fata ducelui, membri casei de Windsor au reusit sa mentina un comportoment rezervat. Parul si bijuteriile ducesei sunt parca statice, reverul intarit al ducelui, posturile lor drepte - ca si cand fac aceasta in fiecare zi pentru a satisface populatia. 

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

Sursa/ source: http://life.time.com/

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