EN: The glass masterpieces
Robert Mickelsen, was born in 1951 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii. Robert's formal education ended after one year of college. He apprenticed with a professional lampworker for two years in the mid-seventies and then sold his own designs at outdoor craft fairs for ten years. In 1987 he took a class from Paul Stankard that opened his eyes to the possibilities of his medium. In 1989, he stopped doing craft shows and began marketing his work exclusively through galleries. Since then, his career has taken off. He shows his work in some of the finest galleries in the country and participates in dozens of prominent exhibitions each year.
His work is exhibited in many prominent collections including the Renwick Gallery of American Crafts at the Smithsonian Institution, The Corning Museum of Glass, and Pilchuck Glass School. He has taught extensively at the major glass schools, including Pilchuck, Penland School of Crafts, The Studio at The Corning Museum of Glass, and UrbanGlass in Brooklyn. He has filmed and produced two videos on his flameworking process, and has designed and maintains an elaborate web page dedicated to his own work and the galleries that represent him He has published numerous technical and historical articles as well as a web-book titled Mondo Fiamma, a World-wide Overview of Contemporary Flameworked Art.
RO: Capodoperele din sticla
Robert Mickelsen s-a nascut in 1951 in Fort Belvoir, Virginia si a fost crescut in Honolulu, Hawaii. Educatia formala si-a incheiat-o dupa un an de colegiu. Si-a facut stagiatura in sticlarie timp de 2 ani, in anii '70, alaturi de un sticlar profesionist iar apoi a vandut creatiile sale timp de 10 ani la targurile de mestesugarit. In 1987 a facut un curs cu Paul Stankard care i-a deschis ochii la posibilitatile ce le are. In 1989 a incetat sa participe la targuri de mestesugarit si a inceput sa isi expuna lucrarile exclusiv prin intermediul galeriilor. Din acel moment cariera sa a facut aripi. Isi expune operele in unele din cele mai bune galerii din tara si participa in zeci de expozitii in fiecare an.
In prezent locuieste in Florida, Robert Mickelsen este o figura proeminenta in arta "sticlariei". Creatiile lui sunt considerate ca revolutionare, aducand o nota de sensibilizare a acestei forme de arta.
Munca lui face parte din colectii prestigioase, expuse la Institutul Smithsonian, la Muzeul de Sticla Corning si la Muzeul de sticla american. El a primit numeroase premii de recunoastere pentru munca sa.A si predat la scoli de mare succes in intreaga tara, cum ar fi Scoala de sticla Pilchuck.
Munca lui Robert este puternic concentrat pe forma, suprafata, culoarea si textura. El creează sculpturi de sticla frumos detaliate, care aduce un omagiu formelor tradiţionale. Unele dintre lucrările sale includ motive literale care se găsesc în natură, cum ar fi formele umane, a animalelor şi a plantelor. Aceste motive figurative sunt juxtapuse, cu forme abstracte care duc la crearea de sculpturi fanteziste şi misterioase. Robert spune despre piesele sale ca sunt naratiuni. Culorile pe care le alege sunt luminoase şi îndrăzneţe, textura pieselor sale invitand privitorul la atingere.
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