luni, 25 iunie 2012

27. Jack and Bobby.. Jack si Bobby

Jack and Bobby
Jack si Bobby

27. Jack and Bobby: Photo by Hank Walker, 1960
Then-U.S. Sen. John F. Kennedy confers with his brother Robert F. Kennedy in a hotel suite during the Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. Looking at Hank Walker's image today, through the filter of all we know now -- that Jack would indeed win the nation's highest office, with Bobby by his side as his most trusted adviser; that the brothers would navigate the United States through almost three years of magic and turbulence; that each man would be cut down by an assassin's bullet by decade's end -- the poignancy is astonishing. And yet, even without the context of that history, the photo, with all its fascinating details and near-perfect composition, stands alone as powerfully intimate: The sunlight filters through the drapes. The bedclothes are rumpled, the cuffs and collars sharp. And the silhouetted brothers, backs bent under some unknowable weight, lean into each other.

Jack si Bobby: Fotografie realizata de Hank Walker, 1960
Senatorul John F. Kennedy se sfatuieste cu fratele sau Robert F. Kennedy intr-un apartament de hotel in timpul Conventiei Nationale Democrate din Los Angeles. Privind acum la imaginea realizata de Hank Walker, prin filtrul a tot ceea ce stim acum - ca Jack va castiga intr-adevar cea mai inalta functie a natiunii, cu Bobby fiindu-i alaturi ca cel mai de incredere sfatuitor; ca cei doi frati vor conduce Statele Unite timp de aproape 3 ani de magie si turbulente; ca fiecare din cei doi barbati vor fi doborati de un glonde asasin pana la sfarsitul acelui deceniu - pregnanta este uimitoare. Si totusi, chiar fara contextul acelei istorii, aceasta fotografie, cu toate detaliile ei extraordinare si compozitia aproape perfecta, este suficienta, la fel de puternica si intima: Razele soarelui razbat prin draperii. Lenjeriile de pat sunt mototolite, mansetele si gulerele ascutite. Iar siluetele fratilor, cu spatele indoit ca sub o greutate imposibil de cunoscut, se inclina una inspre cealalta. 

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

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