vineri, 29 iunie 2012

31. Mark Spitz

Mark Spitz

31. Mark Spitz: Photo by Co Rentmeester, 1972
Mark Spitz is shown in training in August 1972, training that would pay off a month later at the Munich Olympics: Spitz won a record seven gold medals, setting a record in each event. The photographer, LIFE's Co Rentmeester, was himself a former Olympian, having rowed for the Netherlands at the 1960 games. This photo, infused with Spitz's effort, strength, and determination, delivered on one of LIFE's core promises: to bring its readers as close to the action as they could possibly get.

Mark Spitz: Fotografie realizata de Co Rentmeester, 1972
Mark Spitz este fotografiat in timpul antrenamentelor din august 1972, formare care va da roade o luna mai tarziu la Jocurile Olimpice din Munchen: Spitz a realizat un record castigand 7 medalii de aur, realizand cate un record in fiecare din probe. Fotograful revistei Life, Co Rentmeester, era el insusi un fost olimpic, concurand pentru Olanda la jocurile din 1960. Aceasta fotografie, din care reiese efortul, puterea si determinarea lui Spitz, transmite una din promisiunile esentiale ale revistei LIFE: sa aduca cititorii ei cat mai aproape de actiune, atat cat le este cu putinta.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

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