sâmbătă, 9 iunie 2012

Fundamental truth.. Adevaruri fundamentale

RO: Adevaruri fundamentale 


Ce bea la: 
17 ani: bere
25 ani: bourbon
35 ani: vodka
48 ani: vodka dubla
66 ani: dicarbocalm

Ce spune cand vrea sa agate: 
17 ani: Parintii sunt plecati in week-end
25 ani: Prietena e plecata in week-end
35 ani: Logodnica e plecata in week-end
48 ani: Nevasta e plecata in week-end
66 ani: A doua nevasta e moarta

Sportul favorit: 
17 ani: sex
25 ani: sex
35 ani: sex
48 ani: sex
66 ani: somnic - viseaza sex

Definitia unei intalniri reusite 
17 ani: "mozol cu limba"
25 ani: "micul dejun"
35 ani: "Nu mi-a stricat orarul la terapie."
48 ani: "Nu a trebuit sa ma intalnesc cu copii ei."
66 ani: "Am ajuns acasa viu."

Fantezia sexuala 
17 ani: trei numere
25 ani: sex in avion
35 ani: menage a trois
48 ani: a aflat-o toata firma
66 ani: ingrijitoare elvetianca/asistenta nazista

Varsta ideala pentru casatorie 
17 ani: 25 ani
25 ani: 35 ani
35 ani: 48 ani
48 ani: 66 ani
66 ani: 17 ani

Intalnirea ideala 
17 ani: Trei filme ale lui Stephen King la cinema
25 ani: "Jumi-juma cheltuielile de restaurant inainte de a veni la mine acasa"
35 ani: "Vino"
48 ani: "Vino si gateste."
66 ani: "Sex in avionul companiei in drum spre Vegas"


Ce bea la: 
17 ani: Vin dulce
25 ani: Vin alb
35 ani: Vin rosu
48 ani: Dom Perignon
66 ani: Jack Daniels cu sifon

Ce scuze foloseste pentru a nu se duce la o intalnire 
17 ani: Trebuie sa-mi spal parul
25 ani: Trebuie sa-mi spal parul si sa-i dau cu balsam
35 ani: Trebuie sa ma vopsesc
48 ani: Am nevoie sa ma duc la coafor sa-mi vopsesc parul
66 ani: Am nevoie sa ma duc la coafor sa-mi vopsesc peruca

Sportul preferat 
17 ani: cumparaturi
25 ani: cumparaturi
35 ani: cumparaturi
48 ani: cumparaturi
66 ani: cumparaturi

Definitia unei intalniri reusite 
17 ani: "McDonalds"
25 ani: "A facut cinste cu masa"
35 ani: "Un diamant"
48 ani: "Un diamant si mai mare"
66 ani: "Singura acasa"

Fantezia sexuala 
17 ani: barbat inalt, brunet si aratos
25 ani: barbat inalt, brunet, aratos si cu bani
35 ani: barbat inalt, brunet, aratos, cu bani si cu creier
48 ani: barbat cu par
66 ani: barbat

Varsta ideala pentru casatorie 
17 ani: 17 ani
25 ani: 25 ani
35 ani: 35 ani
48 ani: 48 ani
66 ani: 66 ani

Intalnirea ideala 
17 ani: Se ofera sa plateasca consumatia
25 ani: Plateste consumatia
35 ani: Aduce micul dejun la pat
48 ani: Aduce micul dejun la pat pentru copii
66 ani: isi poate mesteca fara ajutor mancarea

EN: Fundamental truth


What he drinks at:
17 years: bear
25 years: bourbon
35 years: vodka
48 years: double vodka
66 years: dicarbocalm

What he sais when he want to hook up:
17 years: My parents are gone in week-end
25 years: My girlfrind are gone in week-end
35 years: My fiance are gone in week-end
48 years: My wife are gone in week-end
66 years: My second wife is dead

Favorite sport:
17 years: sex
25 years: sex
35 years: sex
48 years: sex
66 years: napping - dreaming of sex

The definition for a perfect date:
17 years: "French kiss"
25 years: "Breakfast"
35 years: "It didn't interfere with my psychotherapy program"
48 years: "I didn't had to meet her children"
66 years: "I arrive home alive"

Sexual fantasy:
17 years: three numbers
25 years: sex in airplane
35 years: menage a trois
48 years: all the comapany knows
66 years: swiss/nazi nurse

Perfect age for marriage:
17 years: 25 years
25 years: 35 years
35 years: 48 years
48 years: 66 years
66 years: 17 years

Perfect date:
17 years: 3 Stephen King's movies at cinema
25 years: "Fifty-fifty restaurant bill before coming to my home"
35 years: "Come"
48 years: "Come and cook"
66 years: "Sex in company airplane on our way to Vegas"


What she drinks at:
17 years: Sweet wine
25 years: White wine
35 years: Red wine
48 years: Dom Perignon
66 years: Jack Daniels with mineral water

What excuses she uses for not going to a date:
17 years: I have to wash my hair
25 years: I have to wash my hair and with balsam
35 years: I have to dye my hair
48 years: I need to go to saloon to dye my hair
66 years: I need to go to saloon to dye my wig

Favorite sport:
17 years: shopping
25 years: shopping
35 years: shopping
48 years: shopping
66 years: shopping

The perfect date:
17 years: "McDonalds"
25 years: "He bought lunch"
35 years: "A diamant"
48 years: "A bigger diamant"
66 years: "Home alone"

Sexual fantasy:
17 years: tall, dark-haired and handsom man
25 years: tall, dark-haired, handsom and rich man
35 years: tall, dark-haired, handsom, rich and inteligent man
48 years: haired man
66 years: man

Perfect age for marriage:
17 years: 17 years
25 years: 25 years
35 years: 35 years
48 years: 48 years
66 years: 66 years

The perfect date
17 years: He offer to pay the dinner
25 years: He pais the dinner
35 years: He brings breakfast in bed
48 years: He brings breakfast in bed for the kids
66 years: He can chew his meal without help

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