marți, 5 iunie 2012

Tiago Hoisel's caricatures.. Caricaturile lui Tiago Hoisel

Tiago Hoisel's caricatures
Caricaturile lui Tiago Hoisel
EN: Tiago Hoisel  is a digital artist from Sao Paulo, Brazil, who specializes in creating cartoons, caricatures, and digital characters. 

RO: Tiago Hoisel este un artist digital din Sao Paolo, Brazilia, care este specializat in crearea desenelor, a caricaturilor si personajelor digitale.

Tiago Hoisel: I was born in Salvador, capital of Bahia in Brazil, but grown up in Ilheus, a small town in the interior of the state. Today i’m 25 years old, graduated in Graphic Design from the University of Bahia – UNEB. I started working in the printing area of this college as an illustrator, because despite of graduating in design i always focused my studies in illustration. After that time, i worked in a television company called TV Bahia for 2 years. Today I am working in São Paulo, in a illustration studio called Techno Image. 

Tiago Hoisel: M-am nascut in Salvador, resedinta de judet a regiunii Bahia din Brazilia, insa am crescut in Ilheus, un orasel din interiorul statului. Acum am 25 de ani, am absolvit in Graphic Design la Universitatea Bahia - UNEB. Am inceput sa lucrez in domeniul tipografiei ca grafician, deoarece, in ciuda faptului ca am absolvit in design, intotdeauna m-am concentrat studiul in grafica. Dupa acea perioada am lucrat 2 ani compania de televiziune TV Bahia. Astazi lucrez in Sao Paolo, intr-un studio de grafica numit Techno Image.

I’ve always liked to draw, mainly caricatures. For sometime i’ve been studying motivated by humor illustration contests… Fortunately my personal work started to open some doors to me and even while i was still in Salvador i started to make some freelance illustrations for advertising companies. Through the blog i created in the web, my work started to disseminate and Agencies from São Paulo and Europe started to reach me. 

Intotdeauna mi-a placut sa desenez, in principal caricaturi. Pentru o buna bucata de timp am studiat fiind motivat de concursurile pentru ilustratiile umoristice.. Din fericire lucrarile mele au inceput sa-mi aduca anumite oportunitati si chiar cand eram inca in Salvador am inceput sa realizez independent unele ilustratii pentru companiile de publicitate. Prin intermediul blogului lucrarile mele au inceput sa fie remarcate si agentiile din Sao Paolo si din Europa au inceput sa ma contacteze.

I love humor. Besides the caricatures, i like to draw animals and humanize them, creating funny situations. I Enjoy to create images that tell a funny story, that suggest soothing beyond what’s illustrated. Many times i am working in a project and suddenly stop it just to study an idea that lit up inside my head. Most of my personal illustrations start from a study of a character that i was doing and in the middle of the ideas something with a funny context arose. 

Iubesc umorul. In afara caricaturilor imi face placere sa desenez animale si sa le umanizez, creaind situatii amuzante. Imi place sa creez imagini si sa spun prin intermediul lor o poveste amuzanta, care sa sugereze mai mult decat este ilustrat. De multe ori mi s-a intamplat sa lucrez la un proiect si brusc sa ma opresc doar pentru a studia o idee la care m-am gandit atunci. Multe din ilustratiile personale au luat nastere de la studiul unui personaj pe care il realizam si, in mijlocul procesului, a aparut o alta idee cu un context amuzant.

I think the key to my success was – and still is – my personal work. I always try to invest the time i am studying in things i like, and avoid to influence my self with visual tendencies and technics. 

Cheia succesului meu au fost si inca sunt lucrarile mele personale. Intotdeauna caut sa investesc timpul studiind lucrurile care imi plac si sa evit sa ma las influentat de tentinte si tehnici vizuale.  

All copyrights belong to the artist Tiago Hoisel -
Toate drepturile de autor apartin artistului Tiago Hoisel -

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