joi, 16 august 2012

Splash flowers.. Flori improscate

Splash flowers 
Flori improscate

EN: Jack Long’s High Speed Photographs of Paint Splashes that Looks Like Flowers...!!
At first glance, these incredible images look like still-life portraits of some exotic flowers. But no; these are actually high speed photographs of colored water, captured in a way to mimic the shape of blooms, leaves, and even pots.

Artist Jack Long uses water mixed with thickeners and dyes and then uses an electronic flash to capture the right moment as the mixture falls through the air. His work takes months of painstaking planning and testing.

RO: Fotografiile de mare viteza facute de Jack Long realizate stropilor de vopsea arata ca florile..!! La prima privire, aceste imagini incredibile arata precum imortalizari ale unei naturi moarte cu flori exotice. Dar nu, acestea sunt in realitate fotografii la mare viteza a apei colorate, capturate intr-un mod care sa imite forma de flori inflorite, frunzelor si chiar si oale.

Artistul Jack Long foloseste apa amestescata cu agenti de ingrosare si cu coloranti iar apoi foloseste un blitz electronic care sa captureze momentul potrivit in timp ce amestecuil cade prin aer. Munca sa ia luni de planificare minutioasa si de testare.


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