luni, 10 decembrie 2012

Balancing Tiverton Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia.. Piatra Tiverton din Digby, Nova Scotia - piatra in echilibru

Balancing Tiverton Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia
Piatra Tiverton din Digby, Nova Scotia - piatra in echilibrul

EN: It is a 30-odd foot high spire of columnar basalt that has gradually eroded out from the cliff face over countless years.The balancing rock is pretty amazing. A tall column of basalt seems to balance almost on tiptoes on a ledge of more rock. The town of Digby has lately built an infrastructure of railings and walkways so that access to this striking phenomenon of nature is now much safer – both for tourists and for the rock itself.

RO: Exista un turn de bazalt in forma de coloana de 30 de picioare (aproximativ 9 metri) care s-a erodat de-a lungul anilor si s-a desprins din stanca originara. Piatra in echilibru este uimitoare. O coloana inalta de bazalt se pare ca isi mentine echilibrul, parca stand in varful picioarelor, pe marginea altor pietre. Oraselul Digby a construit recent o structura de balustrade si pasarele astfel incat accesul la acest fenoment al naturii frapant este mult mai sigur - atat pentru turisti cat si pentru piatra.

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