duminică, 31 martie 2013

The shadows of Diet Wiegman's imagination are works of art.. Umbrele imaginatiei lui Diet Wiegman sunt opere de arta

EN: The shadows of Diet Wiegman's imagination are works of art 

Artist Diet Wiegman manages to sculpt mounds of irregularly shaped structures that are transformed into an intricately detailed silhouette when a light shines on it from a precise angle. Similar to the light and shadow sculptures of artistic duo Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Wiegman leaves audiences in awe with his puzzling ability to cast remarkably figurative shadows from heaps of seemingly abstract sculptures.

An oddly configured work that branches out unpredictably is, in fact, meticulously sculpted to cast a shadow that realistically resembles Michael Jackson. The King of Pop is resurrected with a simple spotlight aimed at the sculpture from a very specific angle. Similarly, Wiegman recreates the Venus de Milo, Atlas, and even Michelangelo's David. The visual artist also utilizes the effects of reflecting light off shiny surfaces.

Perspective is everything in Wiegman's sculptures, as can be seen in the video below where his Michael Jackson shadow sculpture (known as Shadow Dancing) is slowly rotated in front of a fixed light and paused briefly when the image of Jackson is revealed.

RO: Umbrele imaginatiei lui Diet Wiegman sunt opere de arta

Artistul Diet Wiegman reuseste sa sculpteze mormane de structuri neuniforme si sa le transforme intr-un mod complicat in siluete detaliate atunci cand lumina bate dintr-un anumit unghi. Asemenatoare cu sculturile realizate prin jocul de lumini si umbre de catre artistii Tim Noble si Sue Webster, Wiegman lasa audienta inmarmurita prin abilitatea deosebita de a proiecta umbre remarcabile din gramezi ce aparent sunt sculpturi abstracte.

Lucrari compuse din ramuri aranjate intr-un mod ciudat care, cu adevarat, sunt meticulos sculptate de a proiecta o umbra care, intr-un mod foarte realist, seamana cu Michael Jackson. Regele muzicii pop a renascut prin proiectia unui singur fascicul de lumina indreptat spre scultura dintr-un unghi foarte precis. In mod asemanator, Wiegman o recreaza pe Venus din Milo, Atlas si chiar Michelangelo lui David. Artistul vizual utilizeaza efectele lumii reflectate pe suprafete stralucitoare.

Perspectiva este totul in sculpturile lui Wiegman, asa cum puteti vedea in fotografiile si in inregistrarea video de mai jos unde umbra sculturii lui Michael Jackson (cunoscuta si ca Umbra care Danseaza) se roteste incet in fata unei surse fixe de lumina si face o scurta pauza atunci cand este vizibila imaginea lui Michael Jackson.


Daca nu vizualizati corect filmarea, apasati aici
If you can not visualize the movie, click here

Source/ sursa: www.dietwiegman.com

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