RO: Lala este un pinguin in varsta de 10 ani care a fost salvat de pescari si a refuzat sa plece atunci cand s-a facut bine. A fost adoptat de o familie dintr-un orasel japonez si a devenit animal de companie care are propria instalatie de aer conditionat in camaruta ei racoroasa.
Lala este inteligenta, merge cu rucsacelul ei in spate la pescarie in fiecare zi pt a cumpara peste proaspat.
EN: Lala is a 10 years penguin who was saved by the fisherman and refused to leave when she got well. She was adopted by a Japanese family from a little town and she became the family pet who has her own air-conditioning to keep the air cool in her little room.
Lala is inteligent and she walk daily to the fish store with her backpack to buy fresh fish.
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