duminică, 20 mai 2012

22. RFK's Assassination.. Asasinarea lui RFK

RFK's Assassination
Asasinarea lui RFK

22. RFK's Assassination: Photo by Bill Eppridge, 1968
Bill Eppridge's utterly haunting photograph of a mortally wounded Robert Kennedy sprawled in his own blood on the kitchen floor of Los Angele's Ambassador Hotel, his head gently cradled by a stunned busboy named Juan Romero, remains one of the signature images of the 1960s. The assassin, a Jordanian citizen named Sirhan Sirhan, claimed to have shot RFK because of the senator's vocal support for Israel -- a claim that, if true, made the murder the first high-profile act of violence on American soil tied directly to strife in the Middle East. But whatever Sirhan's motives, the June 5, 1968, assassination -- coming mere months after the killing of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. -- seemed to justify the fear shared by countless Americans of every political persuasion that, in fundamental ways, the country was ripping itself violently and perhaps irrevocably apart.

Asasinarea lui RFK: Fotografie realizata de Bill Eppridge, 1968
Bill Eppridge a realizat fotografia complet naucitoare, si care a ramas o imagine de referinta a anilor '60, si care il infatiseaza pe Robert Kennedy ranit mortal, intins in propriul sange pe podeaua bucatariei hotelului Ambassador din Los Angeles si cu capul usor sustinut de un picolo socat pe nume Juan Romero. Asasinul, un cetatean iordanian cu numele Sirhan Sirhan, a afirmat ca l-a impuscat pe RFK din cauza sprijinului vocal acordat Israelului - o afirmatie care, daca este adevarata, a facut din aceasta crima primul act de violenta la nivel inalt, realizat pe pamant american, care se leaga direct de un conflict din Orientul Mijlociu. Dar, indiferent de motivele lui Sirhan, data de 5 iunie 1968, aceasta asasinare - care a venit la cateva luni dupa uciderea doctorului Martin Luther King Jr. - parea sa justifice frica impartasita de nenumarati americani pentru orice convingere politica, atitudine prin care, in esenta, tara se tragea deoparte in mod violent si, problabil, irevocabil.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

Sursa/ source: http://life.time.com/

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