joi, 3 mai 2012

6. Goin' Home

Goin' Home

6. Goin' Home: Photo by Ed Clark, 1945
Navy Chief Petty Officer Graham Jackson had played the accordion often for Franklin D. Roosevelt during the polio-stricken president's frequent visits to the spa at Warm Springs, Ga. He was scheduled to play for him again on April 12, 1945, the day Roosevelt died at the LIttle White House in Warm Springs. Instead, the officer found himself leading the funeral procession the next day, tears streaming down his face while he played such mournful dirges as "Goin' Home" and "Nearer My God to Thee." Ed Clark's photo captures the honest pain felt by those who'd just lost the man who led them through the Depression and to the doorstep of victory of a war against global tyranny.

Goin' Home: Fotografie realizata de Ed Clark, 1945
Subofiterul in marina militara Graham Jackson a cantat la acordeon de multe ori pentru Franklin D. Roosevelt, in timpul frecventelor vizite la statiunea balneara din Warm Springs, vizite cauzate de atacurile de poliomelita. Urma sa cante iar si in ziua de 12 aprilie 1945, ziua in care Roosevelt a murit la LIttle White House din Warm Springs. In schimb subofiterul s-a gasit in postura de a conduce cortegiul funerar de a doua zi, in timp ce canta melodiile funebre "Goin' Home" si "Nearer My God to Thee". Fotografia lui Ed Clark a capturat sincera durere resimtita de cei care au pierdut omul care i-a condus cu bine prin criza si in pragul unei victorii in razboiul impotriva tiraniei globale.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

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