joi, 17 ianuarie 2013

Earthquake art.. Arta cutremurului

EN: Earthquake art

When a magnitude 6.8 earthquake shook Olympia, Wash., in 2001, shop owner Jason Ward discovered that a sand-tracing pendulum had recorded the vibrations in the image above.
Seismologists say that the “flower” at the center reflects the higher-frequency waves that arrived first; the outer, larger-amplitude oscillations record the lower-frequency waves that arrived later.
“You never think about an earthquake as being artistic — it’s violent and destructive,” Norman MacLeod, president of Gaelic Wolf Consulting in Port Townsend, told ABC News. “But in the middle of all that chaos, this fine, delicate artwork was created.”

RO: Arta cutremurului

Dupa ce orasul Olympia, Washington, a fost zguduit de un cutremur de magnitudinea de 6.8 grade, Jason Ward proprietarul unui magazin a descoperit ca un pendul cu nisip a prins vibratiile din imaginea de mai jos. Seismologii spun ca "floarea" din centru reflecta undele cu frecventa mai mare care au sosit primele; cele in exterior sunt oscilatii cu amplitudinea mai mare care au inregistrat undele cu frecventa mai mica ce au ajuns mai tarziu.
"Nu te gandesti niciodata ca un cutremur poate fi artistic - acesta este violent si destructiv" le spunea Norman MacLeod, presedintele Gaelic Wolf Consulting in Port Townsend, celor de la ABC News. "Insa in mijlocul haosului a fost creata aceasta opera de arta delicata si deosebita." 

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