Eggshell Carvings
by Bate Brian
Using high-speed device called paragraver (something like a dental instrument), Brian Bate creates masterpieces of incredible beauty … from the simple egg. For carving eggshells you really need to have a steady hand and patience to the sea. Brian’s work not only exhibited in exhibitions but also around the world, he has also won several competitions. We present our collection of his incredible work.
Brian started carving in 2005 after buying a high-speed tool. He loved to draw, and while serving in the U.S. Air Force went to art school and a passion for sculpture. After serving in the army, he lost interest in sculpture, but then new interests came on its place.
Brian started carving in 2005 after buying a high-speed tool. He loved to draw, and while serving in the U.S. Air Force went to art school and a passion for sculpture. After serving in the army, he lost interest in sculpture, but then new interests came on its place.
Brian also loves bonsai. The beauty and elegance of the trees can only appeal to creative people who want to create masterpieces, which will outlive their creators.
Brian used several types of eggs – goose, ostrich, rhea and emu. Goose eggs hatch 28-30 days. Ostrich egg is 15 cm long, 13 inches wide and weighs about 1.4 kg. The average egg rhea has options 130 x 90 mm and weighs up to 600 g (they are almost half of the ostrich eggs).
Sculpturi in coajă de ou
de Bate Brian
Utilizand un dispozitiv de mare viteză numit paragraver (ceva de genul un instrument dentar), Brian Bate creează capodopere de o frumusete incredibila ... dintr-un ou simplu. Pentru sculptura coji de ouă este într-adevăr nevoie de o mână ferma si rabdare multa. Munca lui Brian, nu doar operele expuse în expoziţii locale, dar, de asemenea, in jurul lumii, a fost apreciata si el a castigat, de asemenea, mai multe competiţii. Va prezentam in continuare creatiile lui incredibile.
Brian a inceput sculptura în 2005, după ce a cumparat un instrument de mare viteză. El are o pasiune pentru desen, şi în timp ce servea în Forţele Aeriene SUA a mers la şcoala de artă şi o pasiune pentru sculptură. După ce a servit în armata, el şi-a pierdut interesul în sculptură, dar apoi noi interese i-au luat locul.
Brian iubeşte, de asemenea, bonsaii. Frumuseţea şi eleganţa copacilor poate atrage doar oameni creativi care doresc să realizeze capodopere.
Sursa / source: http://oddstuffmagazine.com
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