Incredibila arta de a sculpta creioane
a lui Dalton Ghetti
Extraordinary art on pencil tips
by Dalton Ghetti
RO: Dalton Ghetti sculpteaza mina creionului in mici opere de arta, fiecare luandu-i pana la 2 ani.
Multi artisti au folosit creioanele pentru a crea lucrari insa Dalton Ghetti creaza capodopere miniaturale in varful creioanelor.
Dalton, care lucreaza ca tamplar, a facut aceste mici lucrari din grafit de aproape 25 de ani. O sculptura a lui Elvis Presley a fost lucrat doar dintr-un singur creion.
Artistul de 49 de ani spune: "La scoala i-am sculptat numele unui prieten in lemnul unui creion si apoi i l-am facut cadou. Mai tarziu, cand m-am apucat de sculptura, I facut lucrari uriase din lemn dar am decis sa provoc artistul din mine si sa fac lucrari cat mai mici posibil."
Dalton foloseste trei unelte de baza pentru a lucra la creatiile lui deosebite - o lama de ras, un ac de cusut si un cutit pentru sculptura. Refuza sa foloseasca lupa si nu a vandut niciodata vreuna din operele sale, doar le-a oferit prietenilor. Spune: "Folosesc acul de cusut pentru a face gauri sau pentru a sapa in grafit. Zgarii si creez linii si invart grafitul incet in mana mea."
O piesa standard ii i-a cateva luni sa o termine insa cel mai mult timp pe care Dalton l-a petrecut lucrand la o lucrare a fost doi ani si jumatate, la creionul cu zalele care conecteaza cele doua parti ale creionului: "Aceasta piesa mi-a luat cel mai mult timp si efort si am fost foarte multumit de produsul finit deoarece oamenii sunt contrariati, cred ca sunt doua creioane"
Dalton, care are origini braziliene, are o cutie plina cu peste 100 de sculpturi care s-au rupt in timp ce lucra la ele, lucrari pe care le numeste in mod afectuos "cimitirul colectiei". Ne spune: "Am cateva bucati rupte asa ca am decis sa le lipesc si sa le asez pe un suport din polistiren. Lumea s-ar putea sa creada ca este ciudat ca le pastrez dar totusi sunt inca interesante. Am lucrat la ele cateva luni, s-ar putea sa fie moarte acum dar la un moment dat le-am dat viata."
EN: Dalton Ghetti carves pencil led into miniature artworks, each taking up to two years.
Many artists have used pencils to create works of art – but Dalton Ghetti creates miniature masterpieces on the tips of pencils.
Dalton, who works as a carpenter, has been making his tiny graphite works for about 25 years. A sculpture of Elvis Presley wearing shades, carved from a single pencil.
The 49-year-old said: “At school I would carve a friend’s name into the wood of a pencil and then give it to them as a present. Later, when I got into sculpture, I would make these huge pieces from things like wood, but decided I wanted to challenge myself by trying to make things as small as possible.
Dalton uses three basic tools to make his incredible creations – a razor blade, sewing needle and sculpting knife. He even refuses to use a magnifying glass and has never sold any of his work, only given it away to friends. He said: “I use the sewing needle to make holes or dig into the graphite. I scratch and create lines and turn the graphite around slowly in my hand”
The longest Dalton has spent on one piece was two and half years on a pencil with interlinking chains. A standard figure will take several months. He said: “The interlinking chains took the most effort and I was really pleased with it because it’s so intricate people think it must be two pencils”
Dalton, who is originally from Brazil, has a box full of more than 100 sculptures that have broken while working on them that he affectionately calls ‘the cemetery collection’. He said: “I have quite a few broken pieces so I decided to glue them on pins and into styrofoam for a display case. People might think it’s weird I keep them but they’re still interesting. I worked on them for months so they might be dead now but at one point I gave them life”
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