The Kiss
The Kiss: Photo by Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945
Perhaps the most famous photo ever to appear in LIFE is Alfred Eisenstaedt's portrait of the spontaneous jubilation that broke out with the announcement that World War II was over. Eisenstaedt recalled that the sailor was kissing every gal in sight and managed to get four snaps of him in a clinch with this nurse. He never got their names, and while many credible contenders stepped forward over the years, LIFE never conclusively confirmed any of the claimants. Their identities remain a mystery; what they were feeling at that moment does not.
Sarutul: Fotografie realizata de Alfred Eisenstaedt, 1945
Probabil cea mai faimoasa fotografie care a aparut vreodata in revista LIFE este imortalizarea lui Alfred Eisenstaedt a manifestarii spontane a bucuriei care a urmat anuntului ca al doilea razboi mondial a luat sfarsit. Eisenstaedt isi aminteste ca marinarul saruta fiecare fata pe care o intalnea si a reusit sa faca patru cadre in momentul in care imbratisa aceasta asistenta. Nu a aflat niciodata numele lor si in timp multi candidati credibili si-au asumat acea identitate insa revista LIFE nu a confirmat nici unul din reclamanti. Identitatile lor raman un mister; ceea ce simteau in acel moment, insa, nu.
SEE MAIN PAGE: The best 75 LIFE Magazine photos..
VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE
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