RO: Icoane ortodoxe unice din macrame
Vladimir Denshchikov este singura persoana din lume care creaza icoane din fir de ata crosetat.
Artistul s-a nascut la 1 iulie 1952 in Kiev. A absolvit in 1974 Universitatea de Teatru de stat Kiev. Din 1975 pana in 2007 a lucrat ca actor, director si director artistic la Academia Teatrului Dramatic Maxim Gorky din Crimea si in Teatrul Simferopol. Dupa ce a supravietuit unui atac cerebral in 2007 s-a angajat ca profesor.
I-a fost inmanat titlul de artist onorific al Republicii Autonome Crimea, Artistul Poporului din Ucraina, castigatorul premiului ARC din 2009 in categoria indeletniciri manuale.
Mai jos puteti vedea expozitia personala a artistului Vladimir Denschikova si, dupa cum veti putea observa, lucrarile sale se disting printr-o spiritualitate profundă.
Vladimir Denshchikov creaza binecuvantarea preotilor. Inainte de a incepe sa creeze o icoana, maestrul posteste. Fiecare icoana este binecuvantata in biserica.
Expoziţia artistului da o atmosferă uimitoare de lumină, bunătate şi pace. Expoziţia oferă icoane si fotografii, realizate cu pictograme, care se află în colecţii private. Toate acestea sunt realizate în tehnica macrame, colaj, în care autorul a lucrat peste 30 de ani.
Aceasta tehnica este unica, drepturile de autor ale artistului fiind rezervate. Expertii il numesc pe Vladimir Denschikova fondatorul unui nou tip de tehnica folosita pentru a crea icoane.
Lucrarile sunt create cu grija din fire de macrame de 0.5 pana la 2 mm si fiecare manunchi este legat manual, fara a se utiliza vreun echipament tehnic cum ar fi ace, carlige, etc. Toate lucrările sunt efectuate într-un singur exemplar şi fiecare are câteva milioane de noduri.
Pentru crearea unei icoane de 40*50 cm autorul lucreaza intre 3 si 6 luni. Si la icoana "Sfantului Alexandru Nevsky" a lucrat 14 luni si are 9 milioane de noduri legate de mana. Imaginile sfintilor sunt pictate in ulei pe panza.
Lucrarile au fost expuse in Germania, Austria, Ungaria, Ucraina si in Crimea. Se pot gasi in colectii private din Ucraina, Rusia, Republica Ceha, Ungaria, Germania si Statele Unite.
În icoanele create de mâinile lui Vladimir Denschikova nu exista nici aur, argint, nici pietre, dar ele radiaza dragoste. Şi, deşi firul de ata nu are stralucire, peste iconiţe straluceste lumina nepieritoare. Acest lucru este înmulţit cu dragoste si credinta.
EN: Unique orthodox icons of macrame..
Vladimir Denshchikov is the only person in the world that creates icons out of linen thread.
He was born July 1, 1952 in Kiev. He graduated from Kiev University Theatre in 1974, 1975-2007 gg. worked as an actor, director, artistic director of the Crimean Academic Russian Drama Theatre. Maxim Gorky. In 2007 he moved to a teaching job Honored Artist of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, People's Artist of Ukraine, winner of the ARC in 2009 in the category of crafts.
Man-made icons Vladimir D. creates the blessing of the priests. Before you create the icon master fasts. The icons are sanctified church.
Works captivate viewers Denschikova wonderful atmosphere of light, goodness and peace. All of them are in the technique of weaving knotted - macramé, collage, in which the author has more than 30 years. In the last few years to use the invention and patented master several types of "man-made fabrics", one of which is used to create garments and robes of the saints - is polumillimetrovaya thread, captured without a transverse mounting.
All that viewers can see the icons Vladimir Denschikova - details of patterns on the salaries and vestments of images created from the wonderful material - linen yarn (0.5-2 mm), and each bundle is tied by hand, ie without the use of technical equipment (needles, hooks, etc.).
All work performed by masters of canon in a single copy and each has from one to several million nodes. This technique is unique and has no analogues in the world. Experts call Vladimir Denschikova founder of a new type of ikonotvorchestva.
Above the creation of the icon size 40x50 author works from 3 to 6 months. And over the icon of "St. Alexander Nevsky" has worked 14 months and it has 9 million knots tied by hand. Images of saints painted in oil on linen canvas.
The works were exhibited in Germany, Austria, Hungary, Ukraine and the Crimea. They are also found in private collections in Ukraine, Russia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Germany and the USA. All the icons were active, they live and help people, for example, in the temple-lighthouse village Malorechenskoye in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas. In July 2010, the icon "Tenderness" was offered as a gift to His Holiness Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Kirill. In May 2011 the icon of "Saint Prince Vladimir," presented to His Beatitude Kiev and All Ukraine Vladimir.
The exhibition at the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra work passed peer review and received a proposal to present the work in the national exhibition in Paris.
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The Mother of God - Maica Domnului (50.0 x 40.0 cm) |