vineri, 17 august 2012

18 National Flags Made From Food.. 18 Steaguri create din mancare

18 National Flags Made From Food
18 Steaguri create din mancare

These delicious flags were designed for the Sydney International Food Festival by the advertising agency WHYBIN\TBWA. It’s a fantastic concept that creates a nation’s flag from the food associated with the country. Now many of viewers will likely disagree with some of the foods selected to symbolize a particular country, but keep in mind it can be challenging to not only use food that represents the country but also works with the actual design of the flag (e.g., starfruit for stars). And it’s for fun! Don’t take it too seriously :)
We weren't able to identify all of the ingredients, so please help us label the missing ones! And let us know in the comments which flags you would add and what foods it would be made of! I think for Canada, it would have to be two giant strips of peameal bacon for the red stripes and a maple leaf made out of maple syrup! Mmmm mayple syrup..

Aceste steaguri delicioase au fost realizate pentru Festivalul International de Gastronomie de la Sydney de catre agentia de publicitate WHYBIN/TBWA. Prin acest concept fantastic au creat drapele nationale din mancarea asociata tarii. Probabil unii din privitori vor dezaproba unele din mancarurile selectate pentru a simboliza o tara anume, dar tineti in minte ca poate fi provocator nu doar sa folosesti mancarea care reprezinta tara dar care sa se potriveasca exact cu modelul steagului (de exemplu, fructe in forma de stea in loc de stele). Si in plus, este pentru divertisment, nu le luati prea in serios :)
Nu am reusit sa identificam toate ingredientele asa ca va rog ajutati-ne sa le gasim pe cele lipsa! Si spuneti-ne printr-un comentariu ce alte steaguri ati alege si din ce mancaruri ar fi facute! Cred ca pentru Canada ar trebui sa fie 2 fasii uriase de bacon pentru liniile rosii si o frunza de artar realizata din sirop de artar! Miammm, siropul de artar..
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