sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013

The stone.. Piatra

EN: The stone

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream.
The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food.
The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him.
She did so without hesitation.
The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.
But, a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said. “I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious.
“Teach me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone.”

RO: Piatra

O femeie inteleapta care calatorea prin munti a gasit o piatra pretioasa in albia unui parau.
A doua zi a intalnit un calator care era infometat. Femeia a deschis geanta pentru a imparti din mancarea ce o avea.
Calatorul infometat a vazut piatra pretioasa si i-a cerut femeii sa i-o dea lui. Ea i-a intins piatra fara ezitare.
Calatorul a plecat, bucurandu-se de norocul sau. Stia ca piatra valora suficient cat sa ii ofere securitate financiara cat pentru o viata intreaga.
Insa, cateva zile mai tarziu, el s-a intors la femeia inteleapta pentru a-i inapoia piatra.
- M-am gandit, spuse el. Stiu cat este de valoroasa aceasta piatra, insa o returnez in speranta ca imi vei putea da ceva si mai pretios. - Invata-ma principiile care te-au facut sa imi dai aceasta piatra.

Source/ sursa: http://paulocoelhoblog.com

marți, 17 septembrie 2013

"Dogs Dressed As Their Owners" by Sebastian Magnani.. "Caini imbracati precum stapanii lor" de Sebastian Magnani

EN: Dogs Dressed As Their Owners by Sebastian Magnani

Have you ever noticed that dogs look a lot like their owners and sometimes even have similar personality? Swiss photographer Sebastian Magnani decided to bring this idea to life with his photo series “Underdogs”. He created 8 whimsical diptychs showing how similar humans are to their canine friends.

Shown with hair, clothes and accessories, the funny portraits of dogs and their owners reveal a striking resemblance. On his website, Magnani describes the idea behind his project:

“So where does this striking resemblance between dog and owner come from? It is undisputed that the canines not only stir emotions and interest, but also our inner most needs. Dogs are considered loyal, selfless, trustworthy, life saving, fun and proud companions in a world where these values are gradually disappearing.”

RO: Caini imbracati precum stapanii lor de Sebastian Magnani

Ati remarcat faptul ca unii catei au o infatiseare asemanatoare cu a stapanilor si, uneori, au chiar o personalitate asisderea? Fotograful elvetian Sebastian Magnani a decis zugraveasca aceasta idee prin seria fotografica "Underdogs". El a creat 8 colaje fanteziste aratand cat de asemanatori sunt oamenii cu prietenii lor patrupezi.

Prezentati cu par, haine si accesorii, portretele amuzante ale cateilor si a stapanilor lor, dezvaluie o asemanare izbitoare. Pe site-ul sau, Magnani descrie idea din spatele acestui proiect:

"De unde vine aceasta asemanare izbitoare dintre caine si stapanul sau? Este indiscutabil ca patrupezii nu doar starneste emotii si interes, ci si unele dintre cele mai profunde nevoi. Cainii sunt considerati loiali, altruisti, de incredere, salvatori, amuzanti si insotitori de nadejde, intr-o lume in care aceste valori dispar gradual."

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