EN: Jan Vormann traveled the world repairing crumbling monuments with Lego
A German artist has spent three years travelling the world fixing crumbling walls and monuments using Lego. Jan Vormann, 26, has taken his project from its humble beginnings at an art fair in Rome and brightened up thousands of people's days with his brightly coloured plastic version of Polyfilla.
Mr Vormann said: "My favourite work was done in Berlin. I filled in the holes still left by guns and shrapnel from the Second World War. That drew people's attention to the Lego and hopefully they would ask themselves why the Lego was there".
LEGO artist Jan Vormann's art fills up cracks in the region of Sabina, Italy, as part of the contemporary art festival '20 Eventi' during 2007. Also in the Institute for Achitecture ARCAM in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during June 2009. Lego fills up the cracks in the walls of Yaffo in Tel Aviv, Israel, during 2008.
RO: Jan Vormann a calatorit in jurul lumii reparand monumente cu piese Lego
Un artist german si-a petrecut 3 ani calatorind in jurul lumii reparand crapaturile din peretii monumentelor sau simple cladiri, folosind piese Lego. Jan Vormann in varsta de 26 de ani a inceput acest proiect la o expozitie de arta din Roma si astfel a colorat privirile a mii de oameni prin piesele viu colorate de plastic.
Domnul Vorman a spus: "Lucrarea mea preferata a fost facuta in Berlin. Am reparat gaurile care au ramas de la impuscaturile si gloantele din al doilea razboi mondial. Acea lucrare a atras atentia oamenilor catre piesele de lego si sper sa se intrebe de ce piesele sunt acolo".
Artistul a reparat si crapaturile din regiunea Sabina din Italia, ca parte din festivalul de arta contemporana "20 de Evenimente", din 2007. De asemenea la Institutul de Arhitectura ARCAM din Amsterdam, Olanda, din iunie 2009. Bucatile de Lego au umplut si crapaturile zidurilor din Yaffo in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2008.
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