marți, 8 mai 2012

10. Bobby on the Beach.. Bobby la plaja

Bobby on the Beach.. 
Bobby la plaja

10. Bobby on the Beach: Photo by Bill Eppridge, 1968
Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, looking almost like a college athlete in his sweater and rolled-up pants, bounds down an Oregon beach, his faithful dog Freckles close behind. Just days after Eppridge took this photo, he followed Kennedy on to California, where he witnessed the senator's assassination. The photographer's shocking black-and-white image of RFK sprawled and dying on the floor of the Ambassador Hotel stands as the most famous photo from June 6, 1968 -- but this shot fulfilled another purpose: When LIFE's editors had to select an image for the cover of the memorial issue, a tasteful and meaningful tribute to another good man gone too soon, this one was the clear choice.

Bobby la plaja: fotografie realizata de Bill Eppridge, 1968
Candidatul la presedintie Robert F. Kennedy, putand fi confundat aproape cu un atlet de colegiu in pulover si avand pantalonii indoiti, alearga pe plaja din Oregon, fiind urmat indeaproape de credinciosul caine Freckles. Doar la cateva zile de cand Eppridge a facut aceasta fotografie, l-a urmat pe Kennedy in California unde a fost martorul asasinarii senatorului. Cea mai cunoscuta fotografie este imaginea socanta din 6 iunie 1968, in alb-negru, a lui RFK intins pe jos si murind pe podeaua hotelului Ambassador - insa imaginea de mai sus a indeplinit alt scop: Cand editorii revistei LIFE au trebuit sa selecteze o imagine pentru coperta in care era memorialul, un tribut semnificativ adus unui om care a plecat prea devreme, aceasta a fost alegerea evidenta.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

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