miercuri, 9 mai 2012

11. Liberation of Buchenwald.. Eliberarea Buchenwald-ului

Liberation of Buchenwald.. 
Eliberarea Buchenwald-ului

11. Liberation of Buchenwald: Photo by Margaret Bourke-White, 1945

Margaret Bourke-White -- one of LIFE's four founding photographers -- always made it her business to be in the right place at the right time. In this case, she was with the Allied troops when they liberated Buchenwald, one of the Holocaust's most notorious concentration camps. Among the many terrifying pictures she made that day-- piles of bodies, skulls -- none is more haunting than this portrait of dazed, skeletal prisoners. Just by looking in their eyes, we sense the horrors they've known. This picture brought home to LIFE readers the insanity of the regime they had just defeated, and reminded them what they were fighting for.

Eliberarea Buchenwald-ului: Fotografie realizata de Margaret Bourke-White, 1945
Margaret Bourke-White, una din cei 4 fotografi care au fost inca de la infiintarea  revistei LIFE, a reusit sa fie la locul potrivit la timpul potrivit. In acest caz, ea era cu trupele aliate cand au eliberat Buchenwald-ul, unul din cele cele mai cunoscute lagare de concentrare. Printre multele fotografii inspaimantatoare pe care le-a facut in acea zi - gramezi de cadavrei, cranii - niciuna nu este mai obsedanta decat acest cadru cu prizonieri scheletici si tulburati. Doar uitandu-te in ochii lor putem sesiza ororile ce le-au cunoscut. Aceasta fotografie a adus in casele cititorilor revistei LIFE adevarul despre nebunia regimului pe care tocmai il invinsesera si le-a reamintit pentru ce au luptat.

VIZUALIZEAZA PAGINA PRINCIPALA: 75 de fotografii deosebite de la revista LIFE

Sursa/ source: http://life.time.com/

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