sâmbătă, 28 septembrie 2013

The stone.. Piatra

EN: The stone

A wise woman who was traveling in the mountains found a precious stone in a stream.
The next day she met another traveler who was hungry, and the wise woman opened her bag to share her food.
The hungry traveler saw the precious stone and asked the woman to give it to him.
She did so without hesitation.
The traveler left, rejoicing in his good fortune. He knew the stone was worth enough to give him security for a lifetime.
But, a few days later, he came back to return the stone to the wise woman.
“I’ve been thinking,” he said. “I know how valuable this stone is, but I give it back in the hope that you can give me something even more precious.
“Teach me what you have within you that enabled you to give me this stone.”

RO: Piatra

O femeie inteleapta care calatorea prin munti a gasit o piatra pretioasa in albia unui parau.
A doua zi a intalnit un calator care era infometat. Femeia a deschis geanta pentru a imparti din mancarea ce o avea.
Calatorul infometat a vazut piatra pretioasa si i-a cerut femeii sa i-o dea lui. Ea i-a intins piatra fara ezitare.
Calatorul a plecat, bucurandu-se de norocul sau. Stia ca piatra valora suficient cat sa ii ofere securitate financiara cat pentru o viata intreaga.
Insa, cateva zile mai tarziu, el s-a intors la femeia inteleapta pentru a-i inapoia piatra.
- M-am gandit, spuse el. Stiu cat este de valoroasa aceasta piatra, insa o returnez in speranta ca imi vei putea da ceva si mai pretios. - Invata-ma principiile care te-au facut sa imi dai aceasta piatra.

Source/ sursa: http://paulocoelhoblog.com

marți, 17 septembrie 2013

"Dogs Dressed As Their Owners" by Sebastian Magnani.. "Caini imbracati precum stapanii lor" de Sebastian Magnani

EN: Dogs Dressed As Their Owners by Sebastian Magnani

Have you ever noticed that dogs look a lot like their owners and sometimes even have similar personality? Swiss photographer Sebastian Magnani decided to bring this idea to life with his photo series “Underdogs”. He created 8 whimsical diptychs showing how similar humans are to their canine friends.

Shown with hair, clothes and accessories, the funny portraits of dogs and their owners reveal a striking resemblance. On his website, Magnani describes the idea behind his project:

“So where does this striking resemblance between dog and owner come from? It is undisputed that the canines not only stir emotions and interest, but also our inner most needs. Dogs are considered loyal, selfless, trustworthy, life saving, fun and proud companions in a world where these values are gradually disappearing.”

RO: Caini imbracati precum stapanii lor de Sebastian Magnani

Ati remarcat faptul ca unii catei au o infatiseare asemanatoare cu a stapanilor si, uneori, au chiar o personalitate asisderea? Fotograful elvetian Sebastian Magnani a decis zugraveasca aceasta idee prin seria fotografica "Underdogs". El a creat 8 colaje fanteziste aratand cat de asemanatori sunt oamenii cu prietenii lor patrupezi.

Prezentati cu par, haine si accesorii, portretele amuzante ale cateilor si a stapanilor lor, dezvaluie o asemanare izbitoare. Pe site-ul sau, Magnani descrie idea din spatele acestui proiect:

"De unde vine aceasta asemanare izbitoare dintre caine si stapanul sau? Este indiscutabil ca patrupezii nu doar starneste emotii si interes, ci si unele dintre cele mai profunde nevoi. Cainii sunt considerati loiali, altruisti, de incredere, salvatori, amuzanti si insotitori de nadejde, intr-o lume in care aceste valori dispar gradual."

luni, 3 iunie 2013

Funny sign roads.. Indicatoare rutiere amuzante

EN: Funny sign roads
RO: Indicatoare rutiere amuzante

Nu stati, nu va asezati, sariti sau va sprijiniti de garduri.
Daca o sa cadeti, animalele s-ar putea sa va manance si 
asta s-ar putea sa le dauneze.


vineri, 26 aprilie 2013



1. Begin your relaxing ten minute hand reflexology treatment by pinching the tips of each finger and thumb of your right hand. Reverse and repeat this process on your left hand. The pressure applied to your fingers should be firm, but not painful. A few seconds for each finger tip will do.

2. After pinching the tops and bottoms of your finger and thumb tips go back to each tip and pinch them again, this time squeezing from side to side. Again, apply pressure, a little discomfort is okay. But, it is important not to inflict pain on yourself.

3. Combine steps 3 and 4 rubbing the tops and bottoms (above photo) and also rubbing the sides (step 4 photo) of each finger and thumb. Vigorously rub back and forth from the base to the tip.

4. Combine steps 3 and 4 rubbing the tops and bottoms (step 3 photo) and also rubbing the sides (above photo) of each finger and thumb. Vigorously rub back and forth from the base to the tip.

5. Grasp each finger (and thumb) at its base and tug firmly. Allow your grip to loosen slightly, graduating it from the base to the finger tip until your finger slips out of your grasp completely.

6. Using your thumb and forefinger firmly grasp the webbed area between your thumb and and forefinger of your other hand. Keeping a firm hold, tug at the skin gently until the fleshy web snaps away from your grasp. Repeat this process for the webbed-tween areas on all your fingers.

7. Rest the palm of your hand inside the palm of your free hand. Use your thumb to massage the back of your hand. Leisurely manipulate the knuckles and in between knuckle area first. Continue thumb massaging each area on the back of the hand.

marți, 2 aprilie 2013

Vik Muniz transforms trash into artistic treasure.. Vik Muniz transforma resturi fara valoare in comori artistice

EN: Vik Muniz transforms trash into artistic treasure

Brazilian artist Vik Muniz is well known for his ability to reincarnate various materials into highly detailed artworks. His latest iterations - currently being exhibited at the armory show in new york until the 10th of march, 2013 - repurposes scrap metal into a series of whimsical animals.
The winking of golden metal offcuts brings each piece to life, transforming an otherwise forgotten material into a series of meticulously crafted artworks - again reinforcing the skill of Muniz to transform trash into artistic treasure.

RO: Vik Muniz transforma resturi fara valoare in comori artistice

Artistul brazilian Vik Muniz este binecunoscut pentru abilitatile sale de a da o noua infatisare diferitelor materiale in opere de arta detaliate. Ultimele sale transpuneri - care au fost expuse la Armory Show in New York pana pe data de 10 Martie 2013 - dau un nou scop resturilor de metal care sub indemanarea sa iau forma unor animale excentrice.
Stralucirea metalului galben refolosit aduce la viata fiecare piesa, transformand un material care altfel ar fi uitat intr-o serie de opere de arta meticulos realizate - subliniind capacitatea lui Muniz de a recicla resturi fara valoare intr-o comoara artistica.   

luni, 1 aprilie 2013

Virgin launches glass-bottomed plane.. Compania Virgin lanseaza avioanele cu podeaua de sticla

EN: Virgin launches glass-bottomed plane
By Richard Branson - Apr 01, 2013

I’m thrilled to announce that Virgin has created another world-first with the introduction of the technology required to produce the world’s first glass-bottomed plane. This technological innovation coincides with the start of Virgin Atlantic Airways’ first ever domestic service to Scotland.

In 1984 we started the wonderful airline that is Virgin Atlantic. I am incredibly proud of yet another aviation breakthrough which has been years in the making. I can’t wait to experience the first flight for myself with my family and other natural born explorers.

2012 was a year of celebrating what is brilliant about Great Britain and I’m excited that in 2013 we are continuing this uplifting spirit by developing an experience that will enable Little Red passengers to appreciate the beauty of the British landscape. And with an unrivalled view of Scotland I hope this gives Scottish tourism an even bigger boost.

We hope to trial the glass bottom technology with other Virgin airlines in time and have asked other Virgin companies to support this innovative trial and launch our new domestic Scottish route. This really is a team effort from all corners of Virgin.

By Richard Branson. Founder of Virgin Group

And the question is.. it it an April food joke? 

RO: Compania Virgin lanseaza avioanele cu podeaua de sticla
Un articol de Richard Branson - 01.04.2013 

Sunt incantat sa va anunt ca firma Virgin a adus inca o noutate absoluta prin introducerea tehnologiilor necesare sa produca primul avion cu podeaua de sticla. Aceasta inovatie tehnologica coincide cu primul zbor domestic realizat de Virgin Atlantic Airways in Scotia.

In 1984 am infiintat compania aeriana Virgin Atlantic. Sunt foarte mandru de noutatea aviatica in a carei realizare s-a lucrat multi ani. Abia astept sa experimentez primul zbor imbreuna cu familia si cu alti exploratori nativi.

2012 a fost un al sarbatoririi a tot ceea ce este deosebit in Marea Britanie si sunt incantat ca in 2013 continuam in acelasi spirit, dezvoltand o experienta care va da posibilitatea pasagerilor avioanelor Little Red sa aprecieze frumusetea peisajelor britanice. Si sper ca privelistea de neegalat a Scotiei sa ofere ocazia turismului scotian sa inregistreze un ritm mai mare de crestere.

Speram ca in timp aceasta tehnologie sa fie aplicata si la alte rute Virgin si am cerut ca toate companiile care colaboreaza cu firma Virgin sa sprijine aceasta idee inovatoare si sa promoveze ruta interna in Scotia. Aceasta este o munca de echipa, la care au contribuit oameni din toate sucursalele Virgin.

Un articol de Richard Branson. Fondatorul Virgin Group

Iar intrebarea care este in mintile tuturor.. Aceasta este o gluma de 1 Aprilie?

duminică, 31 martie 2013

The shadows of Diet Wiegman's imagination are works of art.. Umbrele imaginatiei lui Diet Wiegman sunt opere de arta

EN: The shadows of Diet Wiegman's imagination are works of art 

Artist Diet Wiegman manages to sculpt mounds of irregularly shaped structures that are transformed into an intricately detailed silhouette when a light shines on it from a precise angle. Similar to the light and shadow sculptures of artistic duo Tim Noble and Sue Webster, Wiegman leaves audiences in awe with his puzzling ability to cast remarkably figurative shadows from heaps of seemingly abstract sculptures.

An oddly configured work that branches out unpredictably is, in fact, meticulously sculpted to cast a shadow that realistically resembles Michael Jackson. The King of Pop is resurrected with a simple spotlight aimed at the sculpture from a very specific angle. Similarly, Wiegman recreates the Venus de Milo, Atlas, and even Michelangelo's David. The visual artist also utilizes the effects of reflecting light off shiny surfaces.

Perspective is everything in Wiegman's sculptures, as can be seen in the video below where his Michael Jackson shadow sculpture (known as Shadow Dancing) is slowly rotated in front of a fixed light and paused briefly when the image of Jackson is revealed.

RO: Umbrele imaginatiei lui Diet Wiegman sunt opere de arta

Artistul Diet Wiegman reuseste sa sculpteze mormane de structuri neuniforme si sa le transforme intr-un mod complicat in siluete detaliate atunci cand lumina bate dintr-un anumit unghi. Asemenatoare cu sculturile realizate prin jocul de lumini si umbre de catre artistii Tim Noble si Sue Webster, Wiegman lasa audienta inmarmurita prin abilitatea deosebita de a proiecta umbre remarcabile din gramezi ce aparent sunt sculpturi abstracte.

Lucrari compuse din ramuri aranjate intr-un mod ciudat care, cu adevarat, sunt meticulos sculptate de a proiecta o umbra care, intr-un mod foarte realist, seamana cu Michael Jackson. Regele muzicii pop a renascut prin proiectia unui singur fascicul de lumina indreptat spre scultura dintr-un unghi foarte precis. In mod asemanator, Wiegman o recreaza pe Venus din Milo, Atlas si chiar Michelangelo lui David. Artistul vizual utilizeaza efectele lumii reflectate pe suprafete stralucitoare.

Perspectiva este totul in sculpturile lui Wiegman, asa cum puteti vedea in fotografiile si in inregistrarea video de mai jos unde umbra sculturii lui Michael Jackson (cunoscuta si ca Umbra care Danseaza) se roteste incet in fata unei surse fixe de lumina si face o scurta pauza atunci cand este vizibila imaginea lui Michael Jackson.

vineri, 29 martie 2013

Jan Vormann traveled the world repairing crumbling monuments with Lego.. Jan Vormann a calatorit in jurul lumii reparand monumente cu piese Lego

EN: Jan Vormann traveled the world repairing crumbling monuments with Lego

A German artist has spent three years travelling the world fixing crumbling walls and monuments using Lego. Jan Vormann, 26, has taken his project from its humble beginnings at an art fair in Rome and brightened up thousands of people's days with his brightly coloured plastic version of Polyfilla.
Mr Vormann said: "My favourite work was done in Berlin. I filled in the holes still left by guns and shrapnel from the Second World War. That drew people's attention to the Lego and hopefully they would ask themselves why the Lego was there".
LEGO artist Jan Vormann's art fills up cracks in the region of Sabina, Italy, as part of the contemporary art festival '20 Eventi' during 2007. Also in the Institute for Achitecture ARCAM in Amsterdam, Netherlands, during June 2009. Lego fills up the cracks in the walls of Yaffo in Tel Aviv, Israel, during 2008.

RO: Jan Vormann a calatorit in jurul lumii reparand monumente cu piese Lego

Un artist german si-a petrecut 3 ani calatorind in jurul lumii reparand crapaturile din peretii monumentelor sau simple cladiri, folosind piese Lego. Jan Vormann in varsta de 26 de ani a inceput acest proiect la o expozitie de arta din Roma si astfel a colorat privirile a mii de oameni prin piesele viu colorate de plastic.
Domnul Vorman a spus: "Lucrarea mea preferata a fost facuta in Berlin. Am reparat gaurile care au ramas de la impuscaturile si gloantele din al doilea razboi mondial. Acea lucrare a atras atentia oamenilor catre piesele de lego si sper sa se intrebe de ce piesele sunt acolo".
Artistul a reparat si crapaturile din regiunea Sabina din Italia, ca parte din festivalul de arta contemporana "20 de Evenimente", din 2007. De asemenea la Institutul de Arhitectura ARCAM din Amsterdam, Olanda, din iunie 2009. Bucatile de Lego au umplut si crapaturile zidurilor din Yaffo in Tel Aviv, Israel, in 2008.

miercuri, 27 februarie 2013

Follow Me by Osman Murad.. Urmeaza-ma de Osman Murad

Follow Me by Osman Murad
Urmeaza-ma de Osman Murad

EN: "Follow Me" by Osman Murad is, I must say, a very interesting photo project. Murad Osman photographed the chase in pursuit of his lover, and so, he offers us interesting scenes.

RO: "Urmeaza-ma" de Osman Murad este, trebuie sa spun, un proiect fotografic foarte interesant. Murad Osman a fotografiat calatoriile facute alaturi si urmandu-si prietena, astfel, oferindu-ne cateva cadre extrem de interesante.

sâmbătă, 23 februarie 2013

Interesting Digital Artworks by Martin Grohs.. Lucrari digitale interesante realizate de Martin Grohs

EN: Interesting Digital Artworks by Martin Grohs

Martin Grohs is a Cool Digital Artist from Leipzig,Germany.He’s a 25-year-old. He is interested in all kinds of arts. He made the fascinating designs bellow, a proof of his fantastic imagination. But he is specialized on photo manipulation and he is very talented. Below you can see some of his amazing works.

Find out more about Martin Grohs here http://www.behance.net/grohsARTig

RO: Lucrari digitale interesante realizate de Martin Grohs

Martin Grohs este un artist digital din Leipzig, Germania. Are 25 de ani si este interesat in mai multe forme de arta. El a realizat uimitoarele desene de mai jos, care sunt o dovada a imaginatiei sale uimitoare. Cu toate astea, el este specializat in editarea fotografiilor si este foarte talentat in acest domeniu. Mai jos puteti vedea cateva dintre lucrarile sale.

Puteti gasi mai multe informatii despre Martin Grohs aici http://www.behance.net/grohsARTig

LIFE Magazine photo no 44. Pied Piper of Ann Arbor.. Fotografia revistei LIFE nr 44. Conducatorul fanfarei din Ann Arbor

Pied Piper of Ann Arbor
Conducatorul fanfarei din Ann Arbor

joi, 14 februarie 2013

Valentine Day around the World.. Ziua Sfantului Valentin in lume

Valentine Day around the World
Ziua Sfantului Valentin in lume

Medical Humour.. Umor medical

EN: Medical Humour

A medical Love Letter

Hi Sweet heart,
How are your Anatomy and Physiology?
My Biochemistry is within normal limit.
I miss you like an ischemic heart misses it's blood supply.
I love you as much as the TB loves the apex of lung.
I care for you like the way I.V. Taxim & Metrogyl care for a post-operative patient.
I have implanted you in my S.A. Node.
Please don't be the etiology of my heart failure.
Miss you like ventilation.
Take care of your vitals.


Question: Why AMBULANCE is WHITE in color? (15 marks)

Answer: AMBULANCE has OXYGEN cylinder,
Oxygen is a gas,
GAS is used 4 cooking FOOD,
FOOD is source of VITAMINS,
WE get Vit-D from SUN,
SUN produces LIGHT,
LIGHT comes from bulbs,
Small BULBS are used to decorate CHRISTMAS tree,
GIFTS are given by SANTA,
NORTH POLE is the house of POLAR BEARS,
That's why ambulance is WHITE...

Do not play with students feelings. They can write anything for good marks :)


A man had to purchase a hearing aid, but he felt unwilling to spend much money.
"How much do they run?" he asked the clerk.
"That depends," said the salesman. 
"Let's see the cheapest model," he said.
The clerk put the device around the man's neck.
"You just stick this button in your ear and run this little string down to your pocket," he instructed.
"How does it work?" the customer asked. 
"It doesn't work," the salesman replied. "But when people see it on you, they'll talk louder!"


Man: Doctor, my wife thinks she's a refrigerator! 
Psychiatrist: Don't worry, it will pass. 
Man: But, doctor, when she sleeps with her mouth open, that damn light bugs me!

luni, 11 februarie 2013

This winter's snowman collection.. Colectia de oameni de zapada din iarna aceasta

This winter's snowman collection
Colectia de oameni de zapada din iarna aceasta

The classical snowman
Omul de zapada obisnuit

The giant snowman
Omul de zapada gigant

The relaxed snowman
Omul de zapada relaxat

sâmbătă, 9 februarie 2013

The Story of Audrey's Hepburn unusual pet, the baby deer Pippin (aka "Ip").. Audrey Hepburn si animalul sau de companie neobisnuit, puiul de cerb pe nume Pippin (alias "Ip")

EN: The Story of Audrey's Hepburn unusual pet,
the baby deer Pippin (aka "Ip")

Everybody knows that Audrey Hepburn was a graceful and beautiful British actress and model, who, after becoming one of the most successful film actresses in the world went on to a well regarded career as an international diplomat for Unicef. 

But did you know that Audrey Hepburn had a pet fawn named Pippin? Around the internet are some pictures of Audrey and the little deer, and bellow you will read about the special bond between them and how did the actress manage to tame her deer to the point that the critter was docile enough to lie on the couch with her.

Audrey meets Pippin

In 1958, Audrey was shooting Green Mansions, directed by her (then) husband, Mel Ferrer. In the film, Audrey plays Rima, a girl living in the Venezuelan jungle. This girl is really connected with nature and a fawn follows her everywhere. Well, in real life, the fawn was called Pippin and the trainer suggested that Audrey take the animal home with her to get to know each other. The actress nicknamed the baby fawn "Ip" and started taking care of her. 

For example, she mixed pabulum and milk and fed her with a baby bottle. Soon, the 3-foot-high pet was following her everywhere.

The story in the media

The reporters of the time, covering the shooting of Green Mansions, noticed the bond between the famous actress and the little animal. Harrison Carrol wrote for the newspaper The Day:

"When I talked to her [Audrey] on the set, she was petting the fawn that will work with her in the film. It's a cute little thing. It lay contentedly in her arms, kept nuzzling her neck and trying to lick her cheek". (Sep 15, 1958)

miercuri, 6 februarie 2013

That something that reveals who you truly are.. Cum poţi dezvălui caracterul adevărat al unei persoane? Cercetătorii ne dau răspunsul

EN: That something that reveals who you truly are

If you asked some of your single friends what they're looking for in a potential mate, you'd probably elicit a bunch of bashful smiles and receive scores of different answers. You might hear, for example, "tall," "wealthy," "nice," "good-looking," "intelligent," "a similar personality," "compatible likes," "ambitious," or even the occasional (and shameless) "dynamite-in-the-sack," but there's one item that's almost sure to appear near the top of everyone's wish list: "a good sense of humor." This is universal. In almost every culture, people want that special someone to make them laugh.
According to Rutgers evolutionary biologist Robert Lynch, when such a characteristic is so highly sought after, "That tends to be a hallmark of an evolutionary trait." 

Lynch theorized that humor may be pivotal in some way to human reproductive success and mate selection. To delve deeper, he conducted a number of studies. In one, individual subjects were placed in a room where they watched clips of HBO comedian Bill Burr, whose politically-incorrect brand of comedy is quite divisive: people often love it or hate it. While in the room, the individuals' reactions to Burr's jokes were filmed and recorded. After viewing the clips, subjects took an implicit preference test, which requires takers to rapidly categorize two target concepts with an attribute in order to determine inherent biases or attitudes. 

Lynch found that "participants laughed more in response to jokes that matched their implicit preferences." For example, people who associated men and women with stereotypical gender roles laughed much more at Burr's jokes about women.

Genuine laughter arises subconsciously, so it's notoriously hard to fake. This fact, combined with Lynch's findings, suggests that sense of humor is an excellent indicator of a person's true personality. Thus, it would make sense for relationship-seekers to require a compatible sense of humor.

"I can lie about what I like, but when I laugh, I identify my real preferences," Lynch told PBS' Nova. "That would account for why [sense of humor] is so important in mate selection."

Laughter, itself appears to be all about sociality, and more specifically, relationships, says University of Maryland neuroscientist and laughologist Robert Provine. (Note: "Laughologist" is my made-up title for him.) For example, women tend to laugh more at men they deem attractive.

"A woman doesn't think I want this man to like me so I'm going to laugh a lot," Provine told Science Focus. "It just happens." 

As evidence for laughter's social function, it has been gauged to be thirty times less frequent in solitary situations compared to social ones. This, you probably already realize. It's why comedies are far more enjoyable to watch with a group than by yourself. Laughter appears to be an innate signal of group cohesiveness, a way to identify with other individuals.

In summary, sense of humor may very well be a true indicator of character, with laughter as its mechanism. So whether you chuckle or chortle, guffaw or giggle, you'll probably find yourself drawn to individuals who regularly tickle your funny bone.

vineri, 1 februarie 2013

Google Office In Switzerland, the giant playground.. Birourile Google din Elvetia, terenul gigantic de joaca

EN: Google Office In Switzerland, the giant playground 

Welcome to Google! Although there seem more like a giant playground, the following pictures are are from Google office in Switzerland. After seeing this pictures I will definitely searched a job at Google :) They have everything a person needs in there and even more: massage chairs, slides, pool tables and other games, private cabins and much more.

RO: Birourile Google din Elvetia, terenul gigantic de joaca

Bine ati venit la Google! Cu toate ca seamana mai mult cu un teren de joaca gigant, urmatoarele fotografii sunt facute la birourile Google din Elvetia. Dupa ce termin de vazut fotografiile cu siguranta ca o sa imi caut un loc de munca la Google :) Se pare ca au tot ce ar avea nevoie o persoana si mult mai mult de atat: scaune de masaj, tobogane, mese de biliard si alte jocuri, cabine private si multe altele. 

Bend objects or the fun scenery in miniature 2.. Obiecte din sarme indoite sau scenariile miniaturale amuzante 2

EN: Bend objects or the fun scenery in miniature 2 

Bellow you will see the secret life of everyday things, seen by Terry Border. Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. More fun scenery in miniature you can find at bentobjects.blogspot.fr, a Terry Border original idea.

RO: Obiecte din sarme indoite sau scenariile miniaturale amuzante 2

Mai jos veti vedea viata secreta a obiectelor comune, asa cum este ea perceputa de Terry Border.  Sarmele indoite transforma aceste obiecte din ceva neanimat in opere de arta amuzante. Mai multe scenarii miniaturale pot fi gasite pe site-ul bentobjects.blogspot.fr, o idee originala a lui Terry Border.

<<< See also Bend objects or the fun scenery in miniature 1 
<<< Vedeti si Obiecte din sarme indoite sau scenariile miniaturale amuzante 1

Little polish girl
Fetita Poloneza 


LIFE Magazine photo no 37. Three Americans.. Fotografia revistei LIFE nr 37: Trei americani

Three Americans
Trei americani

joi, 31 ianuarie 2013

All the World's a Stage by William Shakespeare.. Lumea întreagă e o scenă de William Shakespeare

EN: All the World's a Stage

All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages. At first, the infant,
Mewling and puking in the nurse's arms.
Then the whining schoolboy, with his satchel
And shining morning face, creeping like snail
Unwillingly to school. And then the lover,
Sighing like furnace, with a woeful ballad
Made to his mistress' eyebrow. Then a soldier,
Full of strange oaths and bearded like the pard,
Jealous in honor, sudden and quick in quarrel,
Seeking the bubble reputation
Even in the cannon's mouth. And then the justice,
In fair round belly with good capon lined,

Bend objects or the fun scenery in miniature 1.. Obiecte din sarme indoite sau scenariile miniaturale amuzante 1

EN: Bend objects or the fun scenery in miniature 1 

Bellow you will see the secret life of everyday things, seen by Terry Border. Wires transform these objects from inanimate to hilarious works of art. More fun scenery in miniature you can find at bentobjects.blogspot.fr, a Terry Border original idea. 

RO: Obiecte din sarme indoite sau scenariile miniaturale amuzante 1

Mai jos veti vedea viata secreta a obiectelor comune, asa cum este ea perceputa de Terry Border.  Sarmele indoite transforma aceste obiecte din ceva neanimat in opere de arta amuzante. Mai multe scenarii miniaturale pot fi gasite pe site-ul bentobjects.blogspot.fr, o idee originala a lui Terry Border.

A little cat doodle
Caricatura unei pisicute

At a Crossroads
La intersectie

LIFE Magazine photo no 36: Steve McQueen.. Fotografia revistei LIFE nr 36: Steve McQueen

Steve McQueen

marți, 29 ianuarie 2013

20 Great Life Lessons.. 20 de lectii de viata bine punctate

EN: 20 Great Life Lessons

Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the words that speak boldly of your intentions. And the actions which speak louder than the words. It is making the time when there is none. Coming through time after time after time, year after year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism. – Abraham Lincoln

No One is Perfect.  The quicker this is realized the faster you can get on with being excellent.  Start every morning ready to fight harder than you did the day before and run further than you ever imagine.

Avoid over explaining yourself.  Be confident with who you are.

Keep balance in your life.  Write down what’s most important to you and show up.  Sometimes we tend to do the things that are most important to us when it’s written down.

Play the hand you were dealt.  Have the courage to face challenges head on it builds character.  Start looking for a way through instead of a way out.

Be a student of life.  Learn something new every day.  The day you stop learning is the day you become obsolete so keep learning.

No Excuses.  Stop making excuses replace them with ways to do better.  Excuses are a waste of time and energy.

Let others know where you Stand.  Be uncompromising and be up front when someone steps on your core values.

Never be afraid of a challenge.  You put on your shoes like every other man.  Now it comes down to who wants it more.

Service to others.  Small, simple or important be a volunteer and give the very best of you.

Work like hell.  Everyone has a job to do so do it.  Cross every “T” and dot every “I”.

Discover You.  Find your passion, life purpose, and take action.

Don’t take it Personal.  Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself self confidence shows that you’re comfortable in your own skin.

Manage your time.  Our situation and environment is ever changing so be careful not to confuse the things that are urgent with the things that are important.  Look for time wasters and eliminate them.

Ask for help.  Life can be tough remember you never have to do it alone.

Do your homework.  Know what you getting into before you start.  Doing your homework reduces uncertainty and fear.

Day Dream Often.  On the weekend when you are relaxing embrace a day dream.  During the week take action to preserve your dreams.

Be A HERO.  Cultivate a healthy dose of forgiveness and set someone free.  Learn to forgive others and stop carrying those bags of hate, guilt or regret.

Stay One Step Ahead.  Be proactive, Take the initiative, Brainstorm with the big picture in mind.

Self Love.  Become your own priority.  Strive to be the you, you want to be.

Finish what you started.  Avoid the urge to stray.

RO: 20 de lectii de viata bine punctate

Angajamentul este ceea ce transforma o promisiune in realitate. Angajamentul este traducerea cuvintelor care vorbesc cu indrazneala despre intentiile tale. Si actiunile care vorbesc mai tare decat vorbele. Asta inseamna de a crea un moment atunci cand nu ar fi putut exista in alte conditii. Pentru a rezista un angajament trebuie sa fie urmat, an dupa an dupa an. Angajamentul este caracteristica din care este facut caracterul; puterea de a schimba fata lucrurilor. Acesta este triumful de zi de zi al integritatii asupra scepticismului. - Abraham Lincoln

luni, 28 ianuarie 2013

Magnificent Indian Temple Carved from One Giant Rock.. Un templu indian superb, sculptat dintr-o singura roca gigant

EN: Magnificent Indian Temple Carved from One Giant Rock

When most of us were growing up, we learned about a handful of man-made wonders of the world such as the pyramids in Egypt, the Colosseum in Rome, and the Great Wall of China. One that may have slipped right past you could have been the Kailashnath Temple in Maharashtra, India.

What's most amazing about the Kailashnath Temple is that it's carved out of one single rock. Carvers started at the top and excavated downward, exhuming the temple out of the existing rock. The traditional methods were rigidly followed by the master architect, which could not have been achieved by excavating from the front.

Dedicated to Hindu Lord Shiva, the temple was built between 756-774 CE by the Rashtrakuta king Krishna I and measures about 60 feet tall and 200 feet wide. All the carvings are done on more than one level. Originally flying bridges of stone connected these galleries to central temple structures, but they have since fallen. The base of the temple has been carved to suggest that elephants are holding the structure aloft.

RO: Un templu indian superb, sculptat dintr-o singura roca gigant

Cu totii am invatat ca exista pe lume minuni create de mana umana precum piramidele din Egipt, Coloseum-ul din Roma si Marele Zid Chinezesc. Inca una dintre aceste minuni ar putea fi si templul Kailashnath din Maharashtra, India.

Ce este atat de extraordinar la templul Kailashnath este faptul ca a fost sculptat dintr-o singura stanca. Sculptorii au inceput de la varf si apoi au excavat spre interior, aducand la lumina templul care exista in stanca. Metodele traditionale au fost urmate in mod rigid the maestrii arhitecti, neputand dobandi aceste rezultate daca ar fi incercat sa excaveze din fata.

Dedicat lui Hindu lor Shiva, templul a fost contruit intre 756-774 d.Hr. de Rashtrakuta regele Krishna I si mare o inaltime de 60 de picioare(aproximativ 18.29 metri) si o latime de 200 de picioare (aproximativ 60.96 metri). Toate sculpturile au fost facute in mai mult de o singura etapa. Initial existau poduri "zburatoare" de stanca ce conectau aceste galerii la structurile centrale ale templului, insa au cazut ulterior. Baza templului a fost sculptata pentru a sugera ca elefantii sustin structura in sus.

sâmbătă, 26 ianuarie 2013

The amazing art of Olga “Melamory” Larionova.. Olga “Melamory” Larionova si arta sa incredibila

EN: The amazing art of Olga “Melamory” Larionova

In our digital era, it is breath-taking to see traditional artist that are pushing themselves in creating stunning hypnotic pieces of art. This is the case for Olga “Melamory” Larionova (her deviantart gallery is just wow), a russian girl, which is a hyperrealist artist, doing most of her drawing in pen. The level of detail in her drawings let’s you speechless.

RO: Olga “Melamory” Larionova si arta sa incredibila

In era noastra digitala, e uimitor sa vezi cum artistii traditionali incearca sa-si impinga limitele creand bucati hipnotice de arta. Acesta este cazul si Olgai “Melamory” Larionova (galeria de pe deviant art din link este uimitoare), artista din Rusia care imbratiseaza hiperrealismul. Majoritatea lucrarilor sale sunt realizate in creion, iar nivelul de detaliu redat in aceste opere de arta te lasa fara cuvinte.

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