sâmbătă, 10 martie 2012

Bill Dan - the balance master.. Bill Dan - maestrul echilibrului

Bill Dan - maestrul echilibrului

Bill Dan, un artist american de origine indoneziana demonstreza lumii intregi ca orice este posibil, cu putina vointa, indemanare si... echilibru!
El studiaza de mai bine de 15 ani aranjarea pietrelor, o arta aparent necunoscuta publicului insa foarte des intalnita in majoritatea culturilor de pe glob, sub diferite forme si manifestari, arata The Telegraph.
Din numai cateva miscari abile, Dan uimeste multimea de curiosi stransi in jurul sau, creand adevarate monumente din piatra ale echilibrului perfect ce pare ca sfideaza gravitatia.
Imaginile urmatoare sunt realizate pe plaja Golfului San Francisco, din Statele Unite, in timpul unei demonstratii de indemanare a artistului american si nu sunt editate grafic catusi de putin. Si, desigur, fara adeziv. 
Artistul a fost inspirat in insusirea acestei arte spectaculoase de gramezile de pietre descoperite de acesta in Hawaii, aranjamente rituale stravechi apartinand primilor locuitori ai insulelor din Pacific.
Fiecare piatra, pietricica sau bolovan este asezata exact la locul potrivit, in pozitia ideala, formand o structura delicata ce nu tine cont de marime sau forma ci doar de imbinarea armonioasa, vazuta ca singura cale spre un echilibru perfect.
Artistul originar din insula indoneziana Soulawesi a dus aceasta arta straveche la un nivel inca neegalat de nimeni in lume, insa isi incurajeaza discipolii, explicand ca oricine ar putea sa stapaneasca masele pietrificate cu putina indemanare si mult exercitiu.
"Daca sunteti curiosi, ar trebui sa incercati si voi. Nu este greu deloc sa aranjezi doua sau trei pietre. Nu va faceti griji ca reusiti numai cu cele mai mari, cu timpul veti reusi sa aranjati pietre din ce in ce mai mici", explica Bill Dan.
De o fragilitate aproape ireala, in ochii uimiti ai privitorilor, constructiile elaborate ale artistului sunt tratate de pasarile oceanului ca o parte integranta a naturii, a plajelor Pacificului, chiar daca zburatoarele reusesc uneori sa strice echilibrul delicat al pietrelor.

Bill Dan - the balance master

Balance master Bill Dan's incredible wizardry with weights has allowed him to created these stunning rock formations. They are the only works of their kind in the world
In a stunning display of constructive prowess, Bill, from San Francisco, can create his stacks of counter-balanced stones in just a matter of minutes. The stones hold without glue.
Inspired by stone piles used by trekkers - also known as cairns - the artist has adopted the way-marker concept and taken it to an incredible new level.
Crowds gather to witness him delicately build up his artworks using what he finds on the shoreline in the San Francisco bay area.
Every tower teeters precariously against the weight of the stones above and below it.
The deft-handed Indonesian is even able to counter-balance huge boulders in harmony with tiny pebbles
And despite the wobbly appearance of each carefully crafted column, local bird-life full of confidence in their stability even try to use them as a perch, often bringing them crashing down
The stoney towers have captured the attention of so many people in the San Francisco Bay area that Bill is now inundated with requests to teach the method behind the delicate skill.
Bill, originally from North Sulawesi, Indonesia, has been perfecting his awe-inspiring art for over 15 years after being inspired while hiking in Hawaii
He said: "I saw a lot of cairns while I was walking and I was attracted to the fact they were put together by people with a common purpose
He has some tips for beginners: "If you are curious, you should start doing it yourself. It is not that difficult to stack two or three rocks. Don't worry if you start with large contact points, you can get smaller and smaller as you build your skills"
And to prove that it's not just rocks he can work with, the steady-handed artist has even balanced Coke cans...

Pentru alte lucrari ale aceluiasi artist, vizitati: http://rock-on-rock-on.com/ si http://billdan.blogspot.com/
Visit http://rock-on-rock-on.com/ and http://billdan.blogspot.com/ for more.

Sursa / source: http://www.telegraph.co.uk & http://www.ziare.com

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